Officer H, an “Intelligence Analyst,” in responding to an article of mine that he did not name, said this:
“It didn’t change my belief in the thought that when I pull the trigger it is to save a life, not take a life.”
1. What do you call it when a group of people take the law into their own hands and kill people without a fair trial?
~ A lynching
What do you call it when the United States takes the law into its own hands and kills people without a fair trial?
~ Operation Enduring Freedom
2. What do you call someone who explodes a bomb and kills innocent people?
~ A terrorist
What do you call someone who drops a bomb from a plane and kills innocent people?
~ A brave American pilot
3. What do you call a weapon that can kill thousands of people?
~ A weapon of mass destruction.
What do you call a weapon that has killed 1.5 million, including more than 500,000 children?
~ Sanctions
4. What do you call an attack on the Pentagon, a command and control center in the United States?
~ A cowardly attack
What do you call the destruction of an Afghan village by U.S. bombs?
~ An attack on a Taliban command and control center
5. What do you call it when about 3,000 people were killed in the September 11th attack?
~ An atrocity
What do you call it when about 5 million people were killed in the Vietnam war?
~ A mistake
6. What do you call someone who stands up in front of a crowd and tells stories?
~ An entertainer
What do you call someone who stands up in front of a crowd at the Pentagon and tells stories?
~ Donald Rumsfeld
I don’t remember where I got these so my apologies for not giving someone credit.
I hadn’t looked at a copy of Mad magazine for over twenty years when, earlier this year, I came across this profound slam of Bush and his callous attitude toward dead American soldiers. After numerous technical difficulties, I now present it to those who (like me) are not regular readers of Mad magazine. Click picture for larger image.
Have Republican Warmongers No Shame? They are now proud to be warmongers. This website is selling an assortment of Voting Republican Warmonger apparel, housewares, hats, and other assorted items.
Here is a mousepad that Republican warmongers can use as they write their justifications for the Iraq war.
I don’t listen to the conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage very often, but I happened to tune in the other night and heard him basically say that a Sedition Act should be passed and that those who don’t support the troops in Iraq should be placed in internment camps. What is conservative about this?
And thousands of conservatives listen to this man? Evidently so. He has been on the radio for years and has written several popular books about his brand of savage conservatism. It is because of conservatives like this that I ceased years ago to refer to myself as a conservative.