Every Iraqi Was Murdered

In the excellent article by Ann Wright, "When Refusing to Kill Has a Higher Sentence Than Murder," mention was made of the light sentences that were given out to U.S. soldiers for murdering Iraqi civilians. Many who support the war are also outraged about this. Yet,...

U.S. Military Presence Worldwide

When someone from Mother Jones wrote me a few weeks ago with a minor question about one of my LewRockwell.com articles on overseas U.S. troops I had no idea what the magazine was up to. You must check out interactive map that Mother Jones has prepared on U.S. military...

The Arrogant Hypocrisy of the U.S. Government

Is there any government more hypocritical than the U.S. government? Has there ever been? The United States is considering punishing Russia for its military actions in Georgia by cancelling U.S. participation in an annual Russia-NATO naval exercise. Read the full...

The Feminization of the Military

Because it is getting harder to meet recruiting goals, the Marines are looking for a few good women--literally. The Marine Corps is marketing itself to women in magazines like Shape and Self and Fitness. The latest ad campaign shows a female marine in front of some...

How Many McVeighs Will This War Create?

The crimes of war don't stop on the battlefield. Here is an account of how fighting in the first Iraq war changed Timothy McVeigh: McVeigh was assigned as a Bradley gunner, and his Army buddies report that he was "just thrilled" when he blew up his first Iraqi...

The Hessians Are Coming

"He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a...

Let Us Not Forget

After describing the carnage of the World War I battle of the Somme, future president Herbert Hoover remarked that in another even more dreadful sense he saw inhuman policies of war:   That was the determination on both sides to bring subjection by starvation. The...

Republican Politician Admits that Waterboarding Is Torture

Speaking before the American Bar Association, former Secretary of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, went against most of his fellow Republican politicians, at least on the subject of torture: "And I believe, unlike others in the administration, that waterboarding was, is,...

What Is the Purpose of the Military?

As I have written about over and over and over again, the purpose of the military should be to defend the country. That's it. One would think that the Secretary of Defense would know that. Yet, in a recent speech before the Association of the United States Army,...