The Hidden Costs of the War

Two recent articles in USA Today illustrate the hidden costs of the war. The first is about an Army study that found mental issues in 25,000 troops that came back from Iraq, including "post-traumatic stress disorder and depression to substance abuse and family...

Christ or Caesar?

Patrick Henry College is a distinctively Christian liberal arts college in Virginia known for being friendly to homeschoolers. The college's motto is "For Christ and For Liberty." Imagine my surprise when I saw in the college's latest "News & Events" that "for...

Army Suicide Rate Soaring

According the the new issue of the New American, a recent military report acknowledged that Army soldiers committed suicide last year at the highest rate in twenty-six years. According to the report: "There was a significant relationship between suicide attempts and...

Thousands or Millions?

The anniversary last month of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan once again raised the question of whether nuking Japan was necessary, not to mention sane or moral. We usually hear that it saved the lives of half a million or a million U.S. soldiers....

An Anti-War Senator

Here is a senator speaking against the war: Never was so momenteous a measure adopted, with so much precipitancy; so little thought; or forced through by such objectionable means. On the passage of the act recognizing the war, I said to many of my friends, that a...

Thirty-Eight-Year Military Campaign Finally Ends

Operation Banner in Northern Ireland, the British army's longest continuous military campaign in its history, has finally ended after thirty-eight years.  Lieutenant-General Nicholas Parker, the General Officer Commanding, "makes it clear that he will not offer an...

The Problem with All U.S. Military Interventions

I recently came across an excellent letter to the editor published in Liberty magazine back in 1990. The writer was criticizing a Liberty article which argued that "lesser interactions" like the invasion of Grenada do not add to the domestic power of the...

Deja Vu

"And I think that withdrawal would be totally unrealistic and would a catastrophe." Sound familiar? It is Hubert Humphrey at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago speaking in defense of the Vietnam War.

The Military Is a Dangerous Place

for women. Not only are military sexual assaults on the rise (there were about 3,000 assaults reported last year--up 24%), at the Department of Veteran's Affairs woman's trauma recovery program in Palo Alto, Calif., 78 percent of women being treated for PTSD were...