The President of Iran Is Not Hitler

He is worse than Hitler, at least according to Victor Davis Hanson and the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry.

We already knew that Hanson was a crazed warmonger, but in a speech earlier this year at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar (as reported in Hillsdale’s April 2007 Imprimis), he stated (after he said that Ahmadinejad wants to destroy Israel):

Let no one doubt that a nuclear Iran would end the entire notion of peaceful global adjudication of nuclear proliferation and pose an unending threat to civilization itself.

And from the March/April 2007 issue of Israel My Glory, published by the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, we read in an article by Elwood McQuaid:

But annihilating the Jewish state is merely a warm-up. Although the lynchpin of Ahmadinejad’s crusade is a first-strike success against his near neighbor Israel, the next move is westward to Europe and then on to finish off the hated United States.

Another piece in Israel My Glory quotes Benjamin Netanyahu as saying that “unless the United States stops Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, America has only two to five years left.”

So basically, unless the United States attacks Iran now, Iran will destroy the entire world. Right.


War Brings out the Worst in Everyone

Seventy female U.S. soldiers have now been killed fighting in Iraq, and at least 450 have been wounded. This comes as no surprise since over 160,000 female soldiers have served in the Middle East and Afghanistan since the war began. But in addition to dodging bullets and IEDs, some female soldiers have had to watch out for a danger they weren’t expecting—sexual assaults by male soldiers. Says Helen Benedict in a Salon piece last month:

I have talked to more than 20 female veterans of the Iraq war in the past few months, interviewing them for up to 10 hours each for a book I am writing on the topic, and every one of them said the danger of rape by other soldiers is so widely recognized in Iraq that their officers routinely told them not to go to the latrines or showers without another woman for protection.

War brings out the worst in men. War brings out the worst in women. War brings out the worst in everyone. Bring the troops home now.

Putin Again

Regarding Putin, NPR ran an anti-Putin story today in which it was stated:

“Parliament is now dominated by a pro-Putin majority that speeds through Kremlin-issued legislation, often too quickly for deputies even to read new bills.”

I don’t know why this is so objectionable. Substitute Congress for “Parliament,” pro-Bush for “pro-Putin,” and Bush administration-issued for “Kremlin-issued” and you have a perfect picture of the U.S. government under Republican rule. Although I realize that the Democrats are no better, thank God for the “regime change” we had in November. And no, I am no fan of Putin (or any world leader), but at least he didn’t send 150,000 Russian troops to Iraq.

Robert Byrd on Bush’s Troop Surge Plan

Long-time opponent of the war in Iraq, Senator Robert Byrd, recently remarked about Bush’s troop surge plan:

“At the outset of this war, the Bush administration believed, apparently, that democracy could be exported through the barrel of a gun. That belief was wrong them; it is wrong today. Twenty thousand more troops won’t make it right.”