‘We Support the Troops Who Oppose the War’

Liam Madden from Iraq Veterans Against the War sends the following: In 1969, the My Lai massacre helped fuel popular opposition to the Vietnam War. U.S. political and military leaders insisted that such crimes were isolated exceptions. Members of Vietnam Veterans...

Actions Have Reactions?! Nonsense! Witchcraft!

Today's nugget of conventional wisdom comes from liberal hawk George Packer: In this election, the isolationist candidate is the Texas congressman Ron Paul. He frequently attacks the core rationale of Bush’s foreign policy, and receives enthusiastic applause for...

Secret Society

Peter Hitchens files a fascinating report from North Korea, where the regime's pursuit of security at all costs keeps the public in constant darkness, literally and figuratively: The main feeling the visitor has in Pyongyang is one of pity at the pathos of the...

David Bernstein: Peace Is for Nazis!

This country is truly blessed with brilliant law professors, and Glenn Reynolds may not even be the brightest. Here's David Bernstein of the Volokh Conspiracy: Ron Paul is a tempting protest vote, and I did support him in 1988 when he ran as a Libertarian, but he...

Joe Biden: Who’ll Stand By Our SOBs?

From last night's Democratic debate: Who among us is going to pick up the phone and immediately interface with Putin and tell him to lay off Georgia because Saakashvili is in real trouble? Just don't phone Saakashvili while he's attacking unarmed protesters. Good way...

Send Us Money, Warbots: We’ll Keep Bashing You

Daniel Koffler douses the Ron Paul fund-raising brouhahardy-har-har cooked up by Jamie Kirchick and Daniel Sieradski. (Shockingly, Sieradski is employed by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, which I used to think was a serious news outlet.) I have nothing to add to...

Criminal Charges for Peaceful Protest?!

Read this post by Arthur Silber, then sign this petition in support of the Illinois high-school students now facing expulsion or even criminal charges for their participation in a peaceful antiwar protest.

David Horowitz Bombs on Opening Night

Ultra-hawk blog Blackfive reports on David Horowitz's dazzling opening of Islamofascism Awareness Week: What a let down. My buddy Ebo and I attended Horowitz' opening night of Islamo-Fascism Awareness week and if this is our answer to sharia, then I guess Dirka Dirka...