The New York Times reporter behind this story is actually a tape recorder. (There's some disagreement on the matter, however: Editor & Publisher claims that Michael R. Gordon is a sentient creature of some sort.)
Edwards Pledges
Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards is out on the stump: "Iran is serious about its threats," former US Senator John Edwards has told an audience in Israel. "The challenges in your own backyard – represent an unprecedented threat to the world and Israel,"...
They’re Not Gonna Win Any Popularity Contests…
But you should read what Arthur Silber and Jonathan Schwarz have to say anyway, because they present two unpopular arguments better than anyone else has.
US Out Now
David Beito of Liberty & Power sends along this petition urging an immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. Though the big names at the top skew very left, the statement strikes this libertarian as admirably focused and unobjectionable in its particulars....
Liar Lie Lie Lie, You Liar Lie Lie Lie
Jonathan Schwarz and Sam Husseini aren't letting Colin Powell get away with it.
Yeah, We’re the Ones Who Got It Wrong
We like to publicize the sunny prewar forecasts of big-shot warbots, and rightly so. Most of these fools have yet to shut up, and despite their staggering record of entrails illiteracy, many are now assuring us of further "victories" to be had. Of course, the...
Judge Wapner’s Replacement Slams Junior Limbaugh
Ed Koch, a member of the board of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, has called for the dismissal of Dennis Prager from the Council, citing his recent anti-Muslim comments. Which raises a profound question: Ed Koch and Dennis Prager are on the board of the U.S....
Tell Us More About These “Understandings”
Via Reuters: Robert Gates, the incoming U.S. secretary of defense, won plaudits in Washington this week for his candor on the Iraq war. Some Israelis were less pleased, however, to hear Gates mention with equal frankness what U.S. administrations have long avoided...
Urban Idiocy
Oh, those sophisticated neocons! Via Jonah Goldberg.
Politburo Seeks Fresh Ideas for Next Five-Year Plan
In what must count as one of the slowest epiphanies of the post-Soviet era, Glenn Reynolds seems to have concluded that maybe, just maybe, the Iraq war has not been the f*cking awesomest thing ever. So what's a shameless, logorrheic warmonger to do? Host a "blog...