Author: Matt Barganier
Scheuer Corrects National Review, Weekly Standard
Below is the text of a response Michael Scheuer recently sent to National Review regarding their (and others’) misuse of his first book to “prove” a Saddam-al-Qaeda connection. (See here, here, and here.)
Mr. A. McCarthy’s blog article referring to the Mr. Joscelyn’s recent reiteration in The Weekly Standard of his apparently controlling fixation on the non-existent, pre-Iraq war, Iraq-Al-Qaeda connection is, I regret to say, ill-informed and perhaps even intellectually mediocre.
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Round Up the Koreans
Better get the Filipinos, too, just to be safe.
(If you’re scratching your head, read the posts and comments over the last 24 hours at some of the wingnut blogs.)
[Update: Link on “comments” fixed.]
Oh, Brother
Richard Perle’s still hawking the neocon project, and PBS and the Washington Post are still giving him a platform to do so. If you, dear reader, can think of any questions for Mr. End-to-Evil, he’ll be online Tuesday at 11 a.m. ET for a discussion. I doubt he’ll swing at anything but the slowest pitches, but you can submit questions here.
Resisting the Drums of War
Chlorine, Chlorine, Last Night I Had an Awful Dream
Gene Healy takes a dip in the shallows of pro-war conservatism and discovers that swimming pools are WMD-delivery systems.