What if India got to play by Israeli rules?
This’ll Keep You Busy for Awhile
But what else are you going to do – watch CNN? Read it.
So Long, Cedar Revolutionaries
Seems like only yesterday you guys were the bee's knees. Now you're back to being nameless, faceless Arabs, which is all you really ever were to the neocons and neolibertarians who made such a fuss about the Cedar Revolution. Your value as props has disappeared....
Good Work, Gals
The American media makes no secret of its allegiances in all matters Mideast, but CNN's coverage of Israel's attack on Lebanon today has been something else. Talking heads Carol Lin and Kyra Phillips have earned their AIPAC gold stars today, as they hilariously...
Your Tax Dollars at Work, Gaza Edition
Reader C.S. sends the following screen captures of Operation Summer Rain in Gaza. These aren't the worst images – maybe later – they just seem to feature the most likely culprits in the abduction of Cpl. Shalit.   Â
No Quarter
How Jim Henley has the patience to still do this is beyond me. I'm not going to waste my time on the WMDers anymore, because they're not arguing in good faith. For instance, in the comments beneath Jim's post, some guy writes: Of course, anti-war folk — if not...
Kucinich Finally Gets Some Respect
Over at FrontPageMag, Andrew Walden reveals why Hawaii got nuked – or more precisely, wasn't threatened at all – earlier this week: A Tokyo-based newspaper reports in its Friday AM edition that North Korea’s failed Taepodong-2 missile was aimed at an area of the...
Antiwar.com Contributor Killed in Iraq
Iraqi journalist Alaa Hassan, who reported for the international news agency IPS (Inter Press Service) and whose work often appeared on Antiwar.com, was shot and killed in Baghdad. Hassan was killed on June 28 by armed men as he drove to work. It appears he was not...
Holiday Hilarity
David Beito reports on the latest in cutting-edge libertarian thought at the Volokh Conspiracy. While checking VC, I found a link to this priceless collection of original war poetry. (See especially this and this.)
Maybe Someone Should Do a Study
Headline in the Washington Post: "Judge Blocks War Game, Cites Danger to Wildlife." No word yet on actual war's effects on not-so-wild life. Future historians will find imperial America a strange and fascinating subject. Current Iraqis must find us a little deranged.