The Emperor Has Spoken, Part 2

In a very interesting piece at the Telegraph, self-described imperialist Niall Ferguson revisits Gladstone's six principles of foreign policy. One struck me as particularly fitting in light of Bush's India-Pakistan tour:"Even when you do a good thing," Gladstone...

Land of the Free, Yada Yada Yada

Good God. Did you know about this? Credit card payments at a certain percentage above one's average payment automatically trigger an investigation by Homeland Security. (Via LRC.)

The Emperor Has Spoken

What makes the nuclear programs of India and Iran so different, other than the fact that, unlike the former, the latter is a signatory to the Nonproliferation Treaty and has no nuclear weapons program? From President Bush's press conference in New Delhi:Q: Mr....

Buckley Bails on Iraq, Apparently for Good

"One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed." That's from William F. Buckley Jr.'s Friday piece on National Review online. Buckley has made dissenting noises about Iraq before, but this time the judgment is unambiguous. Whatever one thinks of...

Who You Calling a Neocon?

Francis Fukuyama distances himself from the neocons yet again, just in time to play guru to the next bunch of crusaders at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Now he's a "Wilsonian realist," whatever that is. It takes a Ph.D. to keep up with all the mutations of the War Party;...

In Case You Missed It…

It's a fundraising week (please help!), so the highlights aren't on the front page, but don't miss David R. Henderson's latest, "Why Libertarians Should Be Critical of War."

Re: A Conspiracy of Dunces

Iranian newspaper: "Bwahahaha, let's see how they react when we print cartoons about the Holocaust!" Danish newspaper: "Send us those cartoons when you're done, guys. We'll publish whatever you got." Iranian newspaper: Steam comes from ears. Who are the dunces in this...

Re: Idiocy Times Two

If this comes to fruition, then at least Rose can't be criticized for maintaining double standards on freedom of speech. We'll see if the same holds true for the various commentators who have hailed his decision to run the Islam cartoons. I hasten to note, however,...