The Day the Music Died: Toshe Proeski, 1981-2007

SARAJEVO, BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA - Early in the morning on October 16, word came through news bulletins and blogs from a stretch of highway north of the Sava river, in Croatia. A terrible car crash claimed the life of Macedonian music superstar Toshe Proeski, who had been...

Don’t you dare call it terrorism!

A Bosnian Muslim man was apprehended Monday as he tried to enter the U.S. embassy in Vienna, Austria with an explosive-laden backpack. Another Bosnian was arrested later Monday, suspected of being an accomplice. It is nothing short of a miracle that the suspects were...

Joys of Monoculturalism

"Women in burqas and men with long beards have become a common sight in the Bosnian capital in recent years," says Reuters. So the employees of a Sarajevo bank didn't think it unusual when two figures in full niqab (which covers the face as well, leaving only the eyes...

Illegals, not refugees

After two days of misleading the public about the identity of four Albanians arrested on charges of plotting an attack on Ft. Dix, the mainstream media finally found their roots - but only to try and pull another Sulejman-Talovic-style turnabout and make the Duka...

Terrorists from where, again?

Scott may be on to something when he points out the "Fort Dix Six" were caught in an FBI entrapment scheme. But I have an easier time believing the government line (yeah, I know, I said it) considering that four of them are ethnic Albanians from Kosovo. I hear at...

Beyond the Balkans

Last week's "Balkan Express" was the 278th installment I wrote for over the past seven years. I'm proud of them all, and don't regret anything I've written. But as I said myself, on several occasions, this is not 1999 any more. Not that anything has...

Milosevic dead, Tribunal relieved

However embarrassing a second death in six days might be, the Hague Inquisition probably breathed a sigh of relief when Slobodan Milosevic was found dead today. From the very first day, their effort to stage a show trial providing quasi-legal cover for Empire's...

Ah yes, monsters…

Jeremy noted how evidence has shown Saddam Hussein pardoned two men who plotted to kill him, and jailed the head of his secret police when four innocent men were executed. As part of his defense before the Hague Inquisition, Slobodan Milosevic has presented many...

Neocon to Neolib

I read Francis Fukuyama's renunciation of neoconservatism with amusement, as I realized that he did not so much object to its goals (American empire, global "democrayc") nor even its means (warfare, propaganda) but to its manner - i.e. unilateral, callous, arrogant....

Mladic arrest – truth or rumors?

Today's front page links to a Reuters story that claims Gen. Ratko Mladic, wartime commander of the Bosnian Serb military, was arrested earlier today. Reuters based their claim on reports by Serbian media. However, Serbian government denied the arrest actually took...