Finally, someone gets it

Here's Tucker Carlson, a conservative TV pundit who recently began questioning the whole Empire thing: "I was thinking this morning: ‘Diversity is the strength of our country.’ Oh yeah? How’s that? Why don’t you explain that to me? I don’t see that. I mean, is...

A Beheading Deja vu

Photos of Nick Berg's beheading weren't shown to the general public, but a colleague of mine nonetheless remembered something similar she saw during the Bosnian War. Apparently, decapitation of captured Serb soldiers and civilians was rather common for the mujahedin...

EU? No thanks!

Just as a quick footnote to the April 29 article about Balkans and the EU: the BBC reported that EU's Commissar - er, Commissioner - Chris Patten was in Belgrade pressuring Serbia to submit to ICTY's demands. "He said compliance with the court was a key step on...

Genocide crusaders at it again

Spearheading the movement that clamored for US (and Western) intervention in Bosnia in the early 1990s - and Kosovo in 1998-99 - has been a diverse group of people united around a desire to stamp out "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing". Naturally, their definitions of...

Tony Parsons’ Mea Culpa

I suppose Tony Parsons' apology of sorts in yesterday's Daily Mirror is a giant step forward on the road to that warmonger's redemption. And yet, his argument is tained by a simple fact that his comparison (Slobodan Milosevic and Tony Blair) is facetious. Parsons...

Double-crossed by NATO?

A retired Russian general made some explosive allegations last weekend about the NATO attack on Serbia five years ago. It was obvious that in June 1999, NATO double-crossed Yugoslavia and Russia, occupying Kosovo despite the terms agreed in the Kumanovo armistice;...

Pogrom divides Kosovo occupiers

According to Canadian military reporter Scott Taylor ("NATO in Kosovo, a place of divided goals" - The Halifax Herald Limited, Monday, April 19, 2004), various units among Kosovo's NATO occupiers reacted quite differently to the March 17-19 pogrom. For example, German...

The Real Choice

Though not about the Balkans per se, this has universal application. Here is the brilliant Butler Shaffer at LRC, on a historical choice before all of us (prompted by the 9/11 Commission three-ring circus): "As the bloody and repressive history of the 20th century...

Albright seeks profits in occupied Kosovo?

Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was unversally acknowledged as a major advocate of intervention in the Balkans, from her sponsorship of the Hague Inquisition to her drive for the bombing of Serbia in 1999. Now officially retired from politics, Albright...

“We Bombed The Wrong Side”

Retired Canadian general and veteran UN peacekeeper Lewis McKenzie isn't the first to say that, and may not be the last. In an op-ed in Canada's National Post today, McKenzie deals with the very same issues as last week's Balkan Express: a seemingly (and likely)...