Elections for Emperor & the Balkans

Today is that most holy day in the American statist pantheon, when millions of believers gather at makeshift temples and wait in lines to worship the State. (What, you didn’t know I hated Democracy? After this? Come on!) Even though this election is being pitched as “crucial” and “fateful” – which one isn’t? – regardless of which New England patrician gets to be the new Emperor, nothing will fundamentally change in the way the Empire works. Continue reading “Elections for Emperor & the Balkans”

Myth of the 10,000

It is not my intention to disparage my fellow columnist Ivan Eland’s otherwise excellent book, “The Empire Has No Clothes: US Foreign Policy Exposed” (reviewed today by Anthony Gregory), but I do have to note an objection that concerns my field, such as it is.
Gregory’s review indicates that on page 140, Eland says:
“[I]n the year before the NATO bombing campaign, the number of Kosovar Albanians killed by Serbs was only about 2,500. In contrast, during the eleven weeks of Allied bombing, with no longer anything to lose, the Serbs slaughtered 10,000 Kosovar Albanians.”
Unfortunately, these figures are as accurate as claims about Saddam’s WMD’s. Continue reading “Myth of the 10,000”

Support your Balkans analyst

Last time we had a pledge drive at Antiwar.com, I somehow missed calling on my readers to contribute – but I think many did so nonetheless. This time, I’ll make it official: help Antiwar.com stay afloat, and you can count on more Balkan Express coming your way. So for all you Balkans news junkies out there who don’t hate my guts – and I know there’s plenty who do, but they don’t really read Antiwar.com anyway – what’s it worth to you?
Can you get this kind of analysis and commentary anywhere else? Continue reading “Support your Balkans analyst”

More Mythical Bosnia

American Ambassador Robert Beecroft finished his mandate as head of the OSCE mission in Bosnia in early July. In his open farewell address, published by the Imperial propaganda outfit IWPR, and reposted by NATO propaganda outfit ISN, he offers an interesting assessment of Bosnia’s problems. While honest, his proposed solution shows a fundamental lack of understanding of Bosnia and its people.
Continue reading “More Mythical Bosnia”

“Aggressive” Balkans solutions

Last Thursday’s issue of NIN, the foremost Serbian news weekly, carried an interview with Morton Abramowitz, the eminence grise of the Washington foreign policy establishment and founder of the International Crisis Group. Abramowitz has been one of the leaders of the interventionist camp in the Balkans, even to the point of actually advising the KLA delegation at the farcical Rambouillet talks in 1999.
The interview reveals that Abramowitz, and the establishment he represents, live in a dream world not unlike the one inhabited by the Bush regime – with one important difference: they favor the Democrats. So, here is what Abramowitz had to say… Continue reading ““Aggressive” Balkans solutions”