American journalism has entered highly dangerous terrain.A tip-off is that the Washington Post refuses to face up to a conflict of interest involving Jeff Bezos – who’s now the sole owner of the powerful newspaper at the same time he remains Amazon’s CEO and main...
Is MoveOn Less Progressive Than the New York Times Editorial Board?
The New York Times is hardly a progressive newspaper – but when it comes to the surveillance state and ongoing militarism of the Obama White House, the establishment’s "paper of record" puts to shame.And so, the same day that the Times...
Big Brother’s Loyal Sister: How Dianne Feinstein Is Betraying Civil Liberties
Ever since the first big revelations about the National Security Agency five months ago, Dianne Feinstein has been in overdrive to defend the surveillance state. As chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, she generates an abundance of fog, weasel words,...
Why Snowden’s Passport Matters
When the State Department revoked Edward Snowden’s passport four months ago, the move was a reprisal from a surveillance-and-warfare state that operates largely in the shadows. Top officials in Washington were furious. Snowden had suddenly exposed what couldn’t stand...
Here Comes the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize, Dragging a Broken Moral Compass
The announcement of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner, set for October 11, is sure to make big news. The prize remains the most prestigious in the world. But the award has fallen into an evasive pattern, ignoring the USA’s continuous "war on terror" and...
Liberal Luminaries in Senate Are Swing Votes on Bombing Syria
Many senators began this week still uncommitted on whether they’ll vote for attacking Syria. Among the fence-sitters are enough "progressives" to swing the Senate’s decision one way or the other.That decision is coming soon – maybe as early as Wednesday –...
The Repetition Compulsion for War – and How It Might Fail This Time
No matter how many times we’ve seen it before, the frenzy for launching a military attack on another country is – to the extent we’re not numb – profoundly upsetting. Tanked up with talking points in Washington, top officials drive policy while intoxicated with what...
Obama Will Launch a Huge Propaganda Blitz – and May Attack Syria Even If He Loses the Vote in Congress
Grassroots pressure has forced President Obama to seek approval from Congress for an attack on Syria. But Obama is hell-bent on ordering a missile assault on that country, and he has two very important aces in the hole.The administration is about to launch a ferocious...
While Cameron Defers to Parliament, Obama Locks into Warfare State of Mind
The British Parliament’s rejection of an attack on Syria is a direct contrast – and implicit challenge – to the political war system of the United States."It is clear to me that the British Parliament, reflecting the views of the British people, does not want to...
What the Assault on Whistleblowers Has to Do With War on Syria
Without whistleblowers, the mainline media outlets are more transfixed than ever with telling the official story. And at a time like this, the official story is all about spinning for war on Syria.Every president who wants to launch another war can’t abide...