Ron Paul on Sen. Rand Paul Forcing Vote On 16-Year Undeclared War

Sen. Rand Paul has forced a vote on his amendment to repeal the 2001 Afghanistan war authorization and the 2002 Iraq war authorization. The vote is not on the amendment, but whether they can even have a vote on the repeal. This is the debate that terrifies both the House and Senate, as they don’t want the American people to stop and wonder why we are still in these endless no-win wars. Our take on Sen. Paul’s effort in today’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul: Trump Bumbling Into Unnecessary War With North Korea

President Trump’s Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, told the UN Security Council today that North Korea was “begging” for a war with the US. Apparently to Haley and the rest of the neocons, if you don’t do exactly what Washington demands you are “begging for war.” Will the president be manipulated into a catastrophic war in Asia by the generals and neocons surrounding him? We look at the disturbing factors in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul asks: Is a Militarized Police the Answer to Inner City Turmoil?

On Monday, President Trump announced he was issuing an executive order to reinstate the transfer of military weapons and equipment to local police forces. A partial ban had been put in place late in the Obama Administration. The weapons transfer program has a long history in the drug war but even 25 years later it has failed to make a difference in that war. It has been successful, however, in further undermining our civil liberties. A militarized police force is all about control, not safety.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Blowback: Israel Threatens Syria Over Iran

US and allied interventionism in Iraq and Syria has not produced the promised results. An Iraq government close to Iran, a Syria saved from a jihadist takeover by Russia and Iran, and so on. Israel was firmly aboard the “regime change” train but suddenly sees the shake-out not looking in its favor. That is the problem with regime-change and interventionism: it does not work as promised. Now Israel feels threatened by the result. What’s next? Threats are flying from Netanyahu over Iranians in Syria. We discuss blowback in today’s Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul & Philip Giraldi: Senate Declares War on WikiLeaks

The US Senate Intelligence Committee has passed an Authorization bill that specifically targets WikiLeaks and its senior personnel as a “hostile non-state intelligence agency” that receives assistance from foreign state intelligence services. This designation would green-light all manner of US overt and covert action against the news organization and its employees, in blatant violation of the First Amendment. Is the US, under a president that said “I love WikiLeaks,” about to go to war with WikiLeaks? Former CIA officer Phil Giraldi brings his vast experience to bear in today’s Liberty Report. What might we expect?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Ron Paul on Trump’s ‘New’ Afghan Strategy: Protect The Empire!

President Trump said his gut tells him to get out of Afghanistan, but after giving it some more thought – with the help of his generals – he’s decided to expand US military actions rather than to wind the war down. Were the conclusions leading him to make this decision based on solid analysis and fact? Not at all! The only thing really “new” about this new strategy is that it is now official policy to never tell what US objectives are in the country! Our take on the President’s speech in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.