Bob Woodward Badly Misquotes Russian FM Lavrov in His New Book

I emailed Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward regarding his new book War:

Dear Bob,

You have misquoted Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on page 88 of your new book, and significantly altered the meaning of his statement.

Lavrov’s full quote was: “Those who mechanically repeat the points made in Bucharest and insist that ‘third countries’ have no right to express their position on the issue of NATO enlargement are playing with fire. I am convinced that they cannot be unaware of this.” Statement by Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, at the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council, December 2, 2021.

Here is your version from page 88 of War, to compare to the original above: “‘Third countries’ — meaning, the United States — ‘have no right to express their position on the issue of NATO enlargement and are playing with fire,’ Lavrov warned, ‘I am convinced that they cannot be aware of this.’”

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A Poem for Gaza

Shireen she was a martyr

She died for our sins

Some people want the dirt so bad

That’s how it all begins

One side says to the other

I need what you got

If you don’t give it up

I’ll shoot you on the spot

If we don’t learn nothin’

We will never stop the rain

If we don’t do nothin’

It’ll come around again

And so I must ask you

Which side are you on?

Chip Burns 11/16/23

Israeli President’s Direct Call to Genocide – Annotated

Israeli President Isaac Herzog: “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. [No, it’s not a nation, that’s the whole point.] It’s not true, this rhetoric about civilians were not aware, not involved. [Of course it is impossible that 2 million Gazans, half of them minors, could have known about the attack.] It’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up. [No they could not have risen up and he knows that. Now not all dying in a failed overthrow attempt to protect Israelis equates to knowing what Hamas is going to do to them and being responsible for it. Nonsense.] They could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup de tat.”

1 Now he acknowledges they could not overthrow Hamas but implies they should all die trying anyway.

2 It’s not a regime. Hamas are nothing but a terrorist militia, trustees in Israel’s Palestinian prison camp.

3 OOPS, he just admitted that the people of Gaza did not choose Hamas, they seized power by force (after a failed Israeli coup against them ruined a power-sharing deal with Fatah). Quick just start blathering “We are at war” since your pathetic rationale for killing helpless civilians is unraveling since you have no more justification than your enemies did last weekend.]

An Important Message From Scott Horton

Twenty years ago, last month, I began what was then called "The Weekend Interview Show" on KAOS Radio 95.9 FM in Austin. My first guest was the great Alan Bock, author of the column "Eye on the Empire." We were both right about everything.

Five thousand, nine hundred interviews and a generation later, and I’ve been working with and then for ever since. (For many years I was the one who put all those links in Justin Raimondo’s columns before becoming opinion editor and then editorial director.)

Though Alan and Justin are both gone, still is the most important project on the internet.

What’s left of our old crew has been reinvigorated for the new era by the addition of our great, young new staffers, Dave DeCamp, Kyle Anzalone, Connor Freeman, and Will Porter. And our list of regular columnists has never been stronger.

The War Party had been satisfied to pick on Pashtuns in Paktika for quite a while. But now their ambition, major power competition, and quite possibly full-scale war with the other major powers of the earth, threatens not just our entire country, but also nuclear winter and the planet’s ability to sustain our population of more than 8 billion people.

The free citizens of this country must rally now for peace before it’s too late.

Please make your
tax-deductible donation today.

My Testimony Before the Maine State Senate


In support of Ld 1054, Defend the Guard legislation:

Thank you all so much for the opportunity to testify before your committee today.

Today is the 20th anniversary of the beginning of Iraq War II.

The consensus now is that we should not have done it. Iraq was not manufacturing unconventional weapons and was not in league with Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda.

Many representatives and senators from that time have excused themselves for voting for this disastrous war by claiming that they did not vote for war at all, but for authorization to let President Bush decide whether to launch one.

Continue reading “My Testimony Before the Maine State Senate”