Leave Those Kids Alone!

Remember when George W. Bush teamed up with Ted Kennedy to leave no child behind? Of course they made it mandatory that schools receiving federal money turn over all sorts of personal information about the kiddos to the warfare state.

Well, Mothers Against the Draft has struck gold, and launched Operation: Opt Out:

No Child Left Behind Opt-Out Form
Most parents are unaware that a federal law called the No Child Left Behind Act contains a provision that requires schools who receive public funding to violate family privacy by handing over personal information about students including names, home addresses and phone numbers to local military recruiters.

The good news is that students over the age of 18 or parents of minors may remove their children from this list by submitting a request in writing to their school administrator.

To download and print a No Child Left Behind Opt-Out form for yourself, click here.
To download and print a No Child Left Behind Opt-Out form for a minor child, click here.

JAMR Recruiting Database Opt-Out Form

The Pentagon’s new database, known as the Joint Advertising and Market Research Recruiting Database, contains extensive information on 30 million young Americans between the ages of 16 to 25. The JAMRS database is updated daily with new records and includes such information as social security number, ethnicity, grade point average, areas of study, height, weight, postal and email address, selective service registration, and phone number.

Any student 18 or older can elect to have their name and contact information removed from the Joint Advertising and Marketing Research Database that is being compile by the Department of Defense. Parents may sign the JAMR database opt-out form for their minor children.

To download and print a JAMR Database Opt-Out form for yourself, please, click here.
To download and print a JAMR Database Opt-Out form for a minor child, please click here.

JAMR Recruiting Database FOIA Request

If you would like to know what information is contained in the JAMR Recruiting Database about you or your minor child, it’s easy to find out by filing a Freedom of Information Act Request with the appropriate federal agency.

By law, any student can make a FOIA Request for information contained within the JAMR Recruiting Database on him or herself. Parents can also make the request, but only on behalf of a minor child.

If you’re at least 18 years-old, you can download and print a FOIA request by clicking here.
IF you are the parent of a minor, please click here to download and print the appropriate FOIA request.
To file an online FOIA request for information contained within the JAMR database, please click here.

Get to it, the recruiters are already moving into the middle schools.

Zawahiri a Republican?

According to Al-Jazeera, Ayman-shouldn’t he have been caught by now?-al-Zawahiri has a new tape out, and he sounds just like the conservatives on my local talk-radio station:

1. Shariah Is The Only Source Of Law

“This Ummah will not accept any forms of laws or governments other than the Shariah which was sent down from the Lord of the Worlds. This Ummah has suffered a great deal from man-made laws that were forced on them by the crusaders and their allies from our own.”

2. Liberation of Islamic Lands

“Our land is occupied by the enemies of Allah, from East to West. Our land is being used as a base from which enemy forces take off to kill thousands upon thousands of Muslims across the globe.”

3. Total Freedom Of Islamic Ummah To Run Its Own Affairs

• The judicial system (based on Islamic Shariah) must have autonomy and must be respected and not tampered with. The verdicts of the Islamic judges verdicts must be final and must be enforced with full vigor.

• Islamic Ummah must have the freedom to practice enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong.

Ever considered running for the Senate?

Dangerous links

No, Stupid, not between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.
Antiwar.com reader Eric S. has had some problems with one of Justin Raimondo’s hyperlinks (not the same sort of frustrations as doofus the Trotskycon):

I often check the links just for the sake of, well, bugging Frum or the White House. I checked the “either you are for us or for the terrorists” link [in this column] to the white house address, proceeded to save it as a “Word” file, and then checked my spyware. Couldn’t get the files out but was able to quarantine them. The only one that i remember was called paris. There was a total of 7 and this is the first time I have run into any spyware for months.

Big Brother is Watching You

Update: I have been contacted by various computer geniuses who inform me that this is probably just a correlation without causation.

McCloskey and Raimondo on the Radio

Saturday on the Weekend Interview Show I’ll be talking with former California congressman Pete McCloskey about AIPAC’s espionage, and the scum that was Richard Nixon.
In the second hour, Justin “Bizarro World” Raimondo will return to discuss the color-coded revolutions and the future of the American Empire.

Listen Live 3-5pm Central time

Update: Show’s over. Archives.