Actually, It’s a Good Time To Go Wobbly on Ukraine

Storer Rowley, former foreign correspondent for the Chicago Tribune, gets a lot wrong on his Trib op-ed “America must stand firm against Russia. This is no time to go wobbly.”

He’s right to call Russia’s war brutal and criminal. But calling it “unprovoked” is ludicrous. He omits from his analysis US/NATO plans to extend NATO through Ukraine up to Russia’s borders, allowing nuclear weapons to be minutes away from Moscow. That is provocation on steroids. He ignores US support, encouragement of the 2014 coup that ousted Russian leaning Ukraine president Victor Yanukovych, setting off civil war with Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas. Together, these provocations made Russia’s war, while illegal and criminal, inevitable.

Storer’s lauding President Biden’s diplomacy in the war is preposterous as Biden has explicitly prohibited diplomacy to negotiate a ceasefire and eventual peace settlement. Storer apparently considers diplomacy to include sending top UK and US officials to Kiev in March to instruct, demand actually, Ukraine President Zelensky cease negotiation with Russia and Turkey for a quick end to the war.

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Puppet Master Biden Pulling Puppet Zelensky’s Negotiating Strings in Ukraine

President Biden’s proxy war against Russia, using US firepower to shed endless Ukraine blood, remains an unrelenting catastrophe for over 8 months.

Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are dead or wounded. Millions have fled to safer climes. Ukraine has ceased to function as a viable state, totally dependent on US and NATO aid. We’ve poured tens of billions in weaponry into Ukraine to keep the carnage soaring with no chance of a Ukraine military victory. Upwards of a third of that weaponry never reaches the battlefield against Russia. But enough does to delay an inevitable Russian victory, ensuring a long, bloody war.

That, tragically, is the primary US goal, to weaken Russia so they will never achieve political and economic integration into Europe. That has been the foundation of the US proxy war against Russia since the Soviet Union disbanded in 1991. Five presidents before Biden, beginning with George H.W. Bush, maintained that relatively bloodless proxy war by expanding NATO from 14 to 30 members, including former Soviet states, right up to Russia’s borders.

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Democratic Progressive Caucus Caves to War Party, Democratice Electoral Politics, Over Ukraine Negotiations Letter

That was quick.

On Monday, 30 House Democrats representing the Congressional Democratic Caucus, sent a letter to President Biden to initiate negotiations to end the Russo Ukraine war. “We urge you to pair the military and economic support the United States has provided to Ukraine with a proactive diplomatic push, redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire.”

Finally, a tiny contingent, 13% of House Dems, got the message after 250 days of unrelenting carnage in Ukraine, with no end in sight, that only negotiations will end this war. Check that. The other way is nuclear Armageddon. It’s likely the thought of reliving the Cuban Missile Crisis 60 years ago, this time with an explosive ending, motivated their plea.

It did, however, gave those of us in the peace community, a glimmer of hope Democrats controlling Congress would begin an actual debate promoting negotiations which are the only way this war will end short of nuclear confrontation.

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Unhappy 20th Anniversary Iraq War AUMF

October 16, 2002 was a sorrowful day in American history. Twenty years ago today Congress voted an AUMF (Authorization for Use of Military Force) greenlighting the immoral, illegal and criminal Iraq war, begun five months later.

Besides a couple hundred thousand Iraqis killed, nearly 7,000 US and allied soldiers, journalists and contractors were killed.

It took nearly 9 years for America to declare the war over, but roughly 2,500 US troops are still defiling the largely broken nation of Iraq.

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Former Joint Chief’s Chair Tells Biden: ‘Negotiate Ukraine War’s End Now’

Sometimes top military warriors tell US war presidents the painful truth.

That happened yesterday when retired admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George W. Bush and Barack Obama, urged President Biden to begin negotiations to end America’s newest endless war.

And a peculiar endless war it is….America squandering its desperately needed treasure so Ukraine can squander its economy, infrastructure and precious blood on a war it can’t win short of America nuking Russia.

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Biden References 1962 Nuclear Crisis While Ignoring Its Lessons

In a rare mention of foreign policy on the campaign trail, President Biden told a Democratic fundraiser that risk of nuclear war is the highest since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Biden was referring to Russian President Putin’s threat to use tactical nukes should he determine that Russia faces destruction from the West. Biden stressed the point that low level tactical nukes used for battlefield success, most likely would lead to all out nuclear war….Armageddon.

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