Chicago Tribune Pitches Perpetual Proxy War in Ukraine

Daniel DePetris’ Tribune commentary ‘Forget about diplomacy. Putin’s annexation guarantees a longer war’ is a masterwork in disinformation and misdirection.

It frames Russia’s annexation of four Ukrainian regions, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia, into the Russian Federation, solely as an attempt to achieve victory from current Russian failures in its war against Ukraine. It further claims the annexation will make negotiations to end the war impossible.

But DePetris ignores the US role that looms large in both premises. A more likely case can be made that the annexation became inevitable when the US blew up the tentative 15 point March peace agreement brokered by NATO member Turkey that could have ended the war in its first month. Ukraine president Zelensky even hinted at such an agreement in a speech to his people.

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Chicago Tribune Commentary on ‘West vs. the Rest’ Reflects Trib‘s Long Overdue Ukraine War Pivot

The Chicago Tribune finally acknowledged one inconvenient truth about the Russo Ukraine war. Outside of the US, Canada and Western Europe, the rest of the world either ignores it, or even supports Russian intervention in Ukraine.

Its foreign affairs columnist Daniel DePetris, in his Ukraine war commentary, laments this truth that the Tribune, indeed most US media, has suppressed for all 218 days of this horrific war. DePetris is careful to repeat the West’s false, and now largely ignored narrative, that “Vladimir Putin, the thin-skinned, bloodthirsty, nuclear-armed dictator is hell-bent on a war of conquest. And the international community needs to step up and ensure he doesn’t succeed.”

But DePetris completely ignores the other inconvenient truths about this war. First, the US, NATO and Ukraine have been provoking this war for 14 years, beginning with the 2008 pledge to expand NATO into Ukraine up to Russia’s borders. That provocation dramatically expanded in 2014 when the US supported the coup that toppled democratically elected, Russian leaning Ukraine president Victor Yanukovych, setting off a civil war resulting in secession by Russian speaking Ukrainians in Ukraine’s Donbas region.

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Why Are Progressive Dems Supporting US Proxy War Against Russia?

Russia’s February 24 invasion was an unnecessary, criminal war.

But so was America’s 14 year campaign to weaken Russia through proxy war.

How? By encouraging NATO membership for Ukraine since back in 2008. Worse, by helping Ukrainian ultranationalists depose Russian friendly Ukraine president Victor Yanukovych in 2014. The latter crime ignited a civil war in the Donbas against Russian speaking Ukrainians. 14,000 lay dead with thousands of Ukraine’s best soldiers ready to finish off the Donbas this spring before Russia said enough and attacked. Doesn’t justify Russia’s war…just explains it.

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Chicago Tribune Putin Editorial Is Both Wishful Thinking and Dangerous Denial

Its title is long and hyperbolic: “Putin talks menacingly of nukes. These are desperate threats from a despot on the ropes.”

Unfortunately, the Trib is engaged in wishful thinking that Ukraine is winning while Russia is losing the Russo Ukraine war. That represents denial of both facts on the ground and the stark potential nuclear war may occur.

Claiming Ukraine’s determination to resist has led to “victory after victory on the battlefield” is delusional. In 213 days, Ukraine launched one counteroffensive, regaining about 2% of the 20% of conquered territory, while sacrificing 5,000 soldiers in their faint to the south to retake Kharkiv.

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War With Russia, China, Iran: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The US is locked in endless proxy war with Russia over Ukraine.

The US is locked in rapid escalation with China leading to possible war over Taiwan.

The US is locked in a collision course with Iran over their imaginary nuclear program that could blow up the Middle East.

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Chicago Tribune Should Be Careful What It Wishes For: Protracted Proxy War With a Nuclear Ending

The Trib’s editorial: "Ukraine’s counteroffensive succeeds" is positively ecstatic about the Ukraine counteroffensive retaking their Kharkiv Region.

The Chicago Tribune uses this singular victory in the 7 month Russian offensive as foreshadowing a possible Ukrainian victory in the war. But the Trib omitted that the 1,000 square miles recaptured represents just 2% of the near one fifth of Ukraine under Russian control. At a 2% success rate, that would require 49 more offensives to oust Russia.

But the real issue isn’t who’s winning in the moment. It’s how to stop a war with no military end in sight, and the specter of nuclear confrontation looming. That is only possible with a negotiated settlement that provides cover for both sides to accept a truce and pace treaty.

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