Why Did US Torpedo April Ukraine War Negotiated Settlement?

Most Americans are unaware how close Russia and Ukraine came to ending the current war in April.

Last March 27, Ukraine president Zelensky told his people "Our goal is obvious – peace and the restoration of normal life in our native state as soon as possible."

He was hinting at what went unsaid: Ukraine and Russia, brokered by NATO member Turkey, reached a tentative fifteen-point peace plan to end the month old war. Key points were Russia withdraw from all Ukraine except for breakaway Donbas and Crimea. Ukraine would pass on future NATO membership, pledging neutrality between Russia and NATO. Donbas and Crimea would undergo political transition based on self-determination to be recognized by both combatants. Ukraine security would be guaranteed by neighboring countries but no foreign troops would enter Ukraine.

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US Sanctions Crashing Europe’s Economy, Not Russia’s

With friends like America, Europe does not need enemies.

US economic sanctions against Russia following their February 24 invasion of Ukraine have failed spectacularly. They have made no dent in Russia’s quest, albeit criminal war, from prosecuting its border security concerns with NATO, and protecting Russian leaning Donbas Ukrainians brutalized by the West leaning Ukraine government.

By cutting off purchase of Russian oil and natural gas, the US and the EU are cutting off their nose to spite their face. Europe’s industrial sector is natural gas driven. Europe is already experiencing calamitous shortages of energy to run their economy, drive their vehicles, eventually heat their homes. Benchmark gas has already surged 33%.

Russia, meanwhile, has replaced most lost energy sales to the US, Canada and Europe with sales from the rest of the world. Why? Outside of the aforementioned, most of the world’s 195 countries are boycotting the US boycott because they either support the Russian war or remain neutral. They are tired of US trying to control the world, including NATO expansion up to Russia’s borders.

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Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Syria

Last month President Biden told Congress, "Next week, I will be the first president to visit the Middle East since 9/11 without U.S. troops engaged in a combat mission there. It’s my aim to keep it that way."

Tell that to the 3 US troops wounded Wednesday in an attack on the 900 US troops illegally engaged in our decade long combat mission of regime change in Syria.

The troops were wounded in revenge rocketing for previous US bombing of suspected bad guys opposed to US presence in Syria. US response to that attack was….more bombings. The recent string of bombings killed at least 14, all bad guys deserving of being blown up, according to the US.

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Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Somalia

Does even one in a hundred Americans; indeed, one in a thousand, know we’ve been bombing the bejesus out of Somalia, 7,800 miles from the Homeland, for 15 years?

That’s because we bomb Somalia in virtual secrecy from the American people. Our government barely acknowledges the strikes. The media maintains a virtual blackout on the bombings. When pressed by the peace community, the official response is we’re killing bad guys in al-Shabab, an anti-Somalia government outfit the US helped create with its meddling in Somalia politics as part of its endless GWOT (Global War On Terror).

The US injects military forces to Somalia to meddle in its affairs, then launches endless bombings to protect them and the government we demand must rule Somalia. We’ve conducted hundreds of such bombings using drones, AC-130 gunships, attack helicopters, naval bombardments and cruise missile strikes.

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Chicago Tribune Applauds Further US Destruction of Afghan People

The Tribune, in its editorial "After a year under Taliban rule, Afghans feel the price of peace" argues it’s OK for President Biden to withhold $7 billion in Afghan treasure from Afghanistan because the Taliban aren’t the legitimate Afghan government.

But President Biden, and his cheerleading Chicago Tribune, are in denial the Taliban whupped America fair and square. Outside of the corrupt US puppet government in Kabul, the Taliban had the support of the Afghan masses, tired of 20 years of US murder and mayhem that killed over 200,000 Afghans, destroyed their economy, creating one of the worst humanitarian crises on earth.

The Tribune supported all 20 years of America’s senseless war in Afghanistan that did nothing but turn Afghanistan into a failed state.

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Regarding Taiwan, Krishnamoorthi Has an Inflated View of Congressional Influence

Illinois 8th District Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other congresspersons, has a strange way of practicing foreign policy.

He’s defending his recent visit to Taiwan with Pelosi as sending a strong signal to China not to expand its recent threats to Taiwan, including nearby military exercises and economic sanctions.

The strong signal that Krishnamoorthi claims will intimidate China to ignore Taiwan had the opposite effect: greatly expanding Chinese military maneuvers and economic sanctions against Taiwan. It further degraded US China diplomatic relations needed to resolve many issues, the most critical being how to combat climate destruction. Keeping Taiwan from being reunited with the Mainland won’t have much value if the world burns up.

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