Peace Coalition Ponders 70-Year Search for End to Korean War

Peace activist Alice Slater of New York addressed the West Suburban Peace Coalition Educational Forum via Zoom Tuesday night on the topic: North Korea and Nuclear Weapons.

Slater, who joined the peace movement in 1968 to support Sen. Gene McCarthy’s quest to unseat President Johnson and end the Vietnam War, has focused her career on eliminating nuclear weapons. A board member of World Beyond War, Slater worked with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for promoting successful negotiations birthing the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Her focus Tuesday dealt with the now 72 year long Korean War which the US refuses to sign a peace treaty over though hostilities ended 69 years ago. As with many international crises, the US imposes draconian economic and political sanctions; then refuses any negotiated relief till its target gives in to every US demand. With Korea that requires North Korea to give up its entire nuclear program of roughly 50 nukes and now ICBM’s that could reach the US.

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US, West, Must End Proxy War Against Russia

The US quickly turned Russia’s February 24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine into a US proxy war against Russia. But decades prior, US anti Russian provocations, expanding NATO relentlessly up to Russia’s borders, and overturning a Russian leaning Ukraine government, initiated that proxy war upon the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The road to invasion escalated in 2008 when the US floated NATO membership to Ukraine and Georgia. That was a red line of provocation to Russia they’ve been warning us to withdraw now for 14 years.

The past eight, beginning with the US inspired and supported coup against Russian leaning Ukraine president Victor Yanukovych in 2014, have been a virtual demand by the West for Russia to attack. That was because it unleashed a civil war between the new central government and Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas. To unify Ukraine under a pro West, anti Russian national identity, the Donbas Ukrainians were brutalized, indeed murdered by the US brokered anti-Russian government elevated to power by that coup. Coupled with the threat of NATO placing weapons and troops on Russia’s borders, Russia framed the crisis as an existential threat they decided, after years of warning, to defend against.

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Biden Goes Head to Head With Head Saudi Head Chopper MbS

President Biden has embarked on his most shameful presidential trip; indeed, one of the most shameful in presidential history.

He’s going to, among other things, beg Saudi ruler Mohammed bin Salman, (MbS), for more oil to offset soaring gas prices that threaten a November rout of Democrats in the mid-terms November 8.

During his 2020 campaign, Bided promised to reverse Trump’s embrace of MbS who had ordered a chop shop job on US resident journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 simply because he criticized the Saudi government. Biden called MbS a ‘pariah’ and took office shunning him like the monster he is.

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Will US Return to the Iran Nuclear Agreement?

The Russian war in Ukraine understandably gets most of US foreign policy news coverage. But we should not ignore the 18 month effort, or lack thereof, of the Biden administration to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Iran nuclear deal.

That agreement, concluded seven years ago next week, was the greatest foreign policy peace achievement of the Obama administration. It ended years of potential war with Iran over their alleged efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, even tho there were none. It also set the stage for possible diplomatic re-engagement with Iran that vanished in 1979 during the Iran hostage crisis.

Tragically, the JCPOA lasted less than 3 years when Obama’s successor Trump dumped it May 8, 2018. His reasons were utterly cynical, designed to burnish his image as the great negotiator who could coerce Iran into a better deal with punitive new sanctions.

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US, NATO, Spent 2021 Ramping Up Ukraine War

Neither the US government nor mainstream media will tell the American people the truth about 2021, America’s Year of Living Dangerously in Ukraine

But with nuclear war a growing possibility each day the war continues, it behooves us to review exactly how provocative US, NATO policy last year made war this year virtually inevitable.

The prelude to 2021 is also critical to understand the current war.

2008 US announces at NATO Summit, intention to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO.

2014 US supports coup to depose Russian leaning Ukrainian President Yanukovych, touching off civil war in Donbas. US begins training 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers annually to fight against their Russian speaking citizens there. Over 14,000 dead in 8 years since.

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US Sanctioning Itself Into Economic Ruin

Three months ago, the US cut off Russian oil and imposed draconian sanctions on Russia for their Ukraine war. President Biden admitted our action might bump up gas prices, but “we cannot turn a blind eye to Putin’s murderous ways.” NATO countries followed suit.

Now US and NATO countries are suffering both economically and politically as gas keeps rising while public support for US involvement in Ukraine is collapsing like the Ukraine military.

After initial outrage, most now realize the war there does not affect US national security, nor their personal interests, one iota. Those who seeks the facts know America and NATO provoked the war for years by expanding NATO up to Russia’s borders. They also realize Ukraine has been killing Russian speaking Ukrainians on Russia’s border since 2014, after the US helped Ukraine ultranationalists depose an elected Russian leaning Ukraine president. That made Russia’s war, though criminal, inevitable.

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