After 116 Days of War, Several Things Have Become Clear

Ukraine has largely been defeated by Russia.

That isn’t guesswork. Ukraine is outgunned in artillery 20 to 1; 40 to 1 in artillery shells. Russia puts up 300 air sorties daily; Ukraine about 3. Ukraine now admits they’re losing upwards of 200 fighters daily. Russia has gobbled up a fifth of Ukraine in the Donbas where Russian speaking Ukrainians endured 8 years of shelling by Ukraine ultranationalists. Ukraine’s economy has shrunk over 50%, turning Ukraine into failed state status. It’s over President Zelensky.

But the delusional Ukraine president still pounds his chest for Uncle Sam and NATO to save his bacon by expanding the war into US/NATO versus the Russian Bear. He does this even tho we told him before the war started, we’d neither shed one drop of US blood nor give him weaponry like fighter jets, which could trigger WWIII.

Another reality we need to admit? None of the economic sanctions we’ve implemented on Russia nor any of the $54 billion we’ve squandered on weaponry for Ukraine will turn the tide. Russia may be bleeding profusely from their criminal war…but Ukraine is bleeding out.

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Chicago Tribune Coming to Senses on Ukraine War?

It was encouraging to see the Chicago Tribune publish The Rev. Martin Deppe’s letter "The error of NATO expansion."

It was a baby step back from the Trib’s initial bellicose support for U.S., NATO military support to help Ukraine defeat Russia on the Ukraine battlefield after Russia’s criminal February 24 invasion.

For the Trib, as well as virtually the entire US media and national security establishment, Russia’s invasion represented a titanic battle of good v. evil, democracy v. authoritarianism that required the $54 billion in military aid we’ve funneled into the war zone, but not one drop of US blood.

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Looks Like Latin America Is Boycotting ‘Bad Neighbor’ Uncle Sam

U.S. plans to host a Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles in June have been upended by several countries dropping out.

Why? They are boycotting our mean-spirited decision to not invite Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Seems these poor, small countries don’t bend to America’s demanding they kowtow to US unipolar dominance of the world, especially in America’s backyard.

Mexican president Andres Lopez Obrador, Bolivian president Luis Arce, Argentine president Alberto Fernandez have all called for the US to invite the 3 targets of US hatred or they won’t attend. That poses a huge dilemma for President Biden who claims he’s re-instituting sensible diplomacy to US foreign policy after 4 years of Trump mismanagement and bungling.

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After Afghan Pullout, Biden Goes War Bonkers

President Biden was excoriated by the U.S. war party for pulling out of Afghanistan after 20 years last August. In so doing, Biden didn’t mince words proclaiming that staying wasn’t worth one more American death after 4,288 Americans died there for nothing since October, 2001. Yet, his pulling out was the boldest, most sane US act for peace in this century, one that deserved thunderous gratitude instead of unrelenting vilification.

But unnerved by the criticism he was weakening American standing in the world, Biden has pivoted from peace to an aggressive foreign policy around the world since.

Does even one in a thousand Americans believe we’re under threat from the al Shahab militant group in Somalia, 8,600 miles from the homeland? Biden does, announcing 500 US troops are on their war to African Somalia and that airstrikes against these alleged bad guys will resume.

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US Ukraine Policy Most Reckless Since ’62 Missile Crisis

In 1952, I was blessed, maybe cursed, to have parents who taught me about war and peace as a second grader. Back then it was the Korean War which didn’t make much sense to this 7 year old. Seventy years on it still doesn’t, just like every other war America has been involved in, whether directly, like Korea, or as with Ukraine today, by proxy.

That early lesson ignited a lifelong fascination with U.S. foreign policy. What became true during all 70 years is that regarding foreign wars and entanglements, one could depend on America. It always lets us down.

For the first decade I fully bought into American moral superiority regarding our Cold War opposition to Soviet communism. That belief was shattered from America’s reaction to the necessary and inevitable Cuban revolution of 1959. In April, 1961, we launched a proxy invasion of the tiny Cuban island of 6 million to overthrow revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. As dastardly as that failed venture was, it paled in comparison to the Cuban Missile Crisis just 18 months later that led the world to the brink of nuclear war with Russia. It took a miracle, likely several, to prevent nuclear winter.

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434 House Reps Say ‘Nyet’ to Kinzinger’s WWIII Bill

It’s been a week since Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R, IL-16) introduced his Authorization for Use of Military Force to Defend America’s Allies Resolution of 2022 (AUMF) that would authorize President Biden to respond militarily to Russian use of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Yet not a single one of Kinzinger’s 434 fellow House members has signed on as co-sponsor.

That indicates every one views Kinzinger’s bill with alarm that it essentially sets up a trip wire for U.S. to directly attack Russian forces in Ukraine. Once that occurs, nuclear war between the 2 nuclear superpowers, possessing over 13,000 nukes, becomes likely; indeed inevitable.

One insidious aspect of his AUMF is it could inspire a Ukrainian false flag chemical attack to draw America directly into the fighting. That almost worked in Syria in 2012 till Obama blinked at what was likely a rebel false flag attack.

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