Billions in Weapons, Zero Negotiations, Reveal Real US Agenda in Ukraine

Monday. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said, "One of the US’s goals in Ukraine is to see a weakened Russia." He also said, "The U.S. is ready to move heaven and earth to help Ukraine win the war against Russia."

The first statement contains no goal of saving Ukrainian lives. That is because saving Ukrainians is not a major focus of US war aims in Ukraine. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called out America’s disregard of the staggering death and destruction there saying "There are countries within NATO who want the war to continue. They want Russia to become weaker."

Apparently "heaven and earth" in the second statement includes billions in weaponry, but not a single pair of US boots on the ground. Nor does it include American war planes; even a no-fly zone to counter Russian air superiority. That telegraphs America does not consider the Ukraine war critical to America’s national self-interests that risks a single American life. US policy boils down to: Ukraine does the dying; America does the supplying.

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Secretary Blinken Rebrands His Department From State to War

Since he took office 15 months ago, Secretary of State Antony Blinken appears to be under the delusion he’s U.S. Secretary of War, not State. Blinken has completely abrogated his role as America’s chief diplomat, refusing to talk with his Soviet counterpart Sergey Lavrov for the past 61 days, an interval encompassing the entire 52 day Russian invasion of Ukraine.

We just learned Wednesday from Blinken counselor Derek Chollet that Blinken’s negotiating team refused to even consider Russia’s security concerns regarding NATO’s membership for Ukraine, a red line to Russia they’ve been warning us about for two decades. Chollet spilled the beans on Blinken saying “We made clear to the Russians that we were willing to talk to them on issues that we thought were genuine concerns they have that were legitimate in some way, I mean arms control type things of that nature. But the future of Ukraine was a non-issue.”

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America Sanctioning Itself Into Economic Decline

No one sanctions like America. Two or three dozen countries being destabilized with many thousands dying from lack of food, medicine and commerce makes no dent in Uncle Sam’s conscience.

But there is an increasingly self-destructive downside to U.S. sanctions besides the fact they simply don’t work to achieve US foreign policy goals while getting foreign innocents killed.

All those US sanctions now on steroids against Russia over Ukraine war are working to disincentive many important countries from paying for trade, especially energy resources, in the good ‘ol dollar. This will likely cause the current the 60% of world’s reserves held in dollars to begin heading south.

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America’s Astonishing War Crimes Hypocrisy

Of course Russian president Putin is guilty of war crimes in Ukraine. In a war of aggression, every death is a crime emanating from the original, supreme crime of unnecessary war. It is right for the U.S. and others to charge Putin with war crimes.

But while the US may change others with war crimes, it conveniently omits itself from an endless series of its war crimes in the 21st century. Upwards of a million folks are dead in the Middle East and Africa from unnecessary, senseless wars either launched by the US in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya; or joined into by Uncle Sam, as in Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Niger, among others.

It’s fair to add Ukraine to the list of countries on America’s war crimes roster. Eight years ago the US committed an act of war against Ukraine democracy, inspiring and supporting a coup against the democratically elected president, simply to keep Ukraine from partnering economically with Russia.

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World War III Still Biggest Threat From Ukraine War

Forty-one days into Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine no end is in sight. This is due to several reasons. Most important is failure of the Russian military to achieve its primary war objective: regime change of the Zelensky government, in a country one third as populous as Russia. Their abysmal performance gives the lie to the preposterous Western meme that Putin’s Russia is trying to re-establish a Soviet style Russian empire. They appear incapable of fighting their way out of a proverbial paper bag.

But a close second is the refusal of the U.S. and most NATO nations to promote negotiations which are the only way to end a war neither side can win decisively. Secretary of State Antony Blinken keeps blinking at negotiations, avoiding contact with his Russian counterpart since February 15. President Biden refuses to talk to his Russian counterpart, saying he cannot remain in office much less discuss a negotiated settlement with him.

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Unhappy 7th Anniversary, US Saudi War on Yemen

While the U.S. government and mainstream media rightly condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, neither offer one iota of protest against US enabling of Saudi Arabia’s horrific war against neighboring Yemen that has killed over 400,000 and puts millions at risk of starvation.

The Saudis started the war 7 years ago today by intervening in Yemen’s civil war to prevent an Iranian aligned faction from becoming their neighbor. For America it represents a proxy war against the hated Iranian regime.

America has been all in helping the Saudis with US made planes and bombs; refueling and maintenance help, and logistical support. Without US support the incompetent Saudi war effort would collapse, making America instrumental in the carnage and humanitarian catastrophe called the ‘worst in the world’.

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