World War III Still Biggest Threat From Ukraine War

Forty-one days into Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine no end is in sight. This is due to several reasons. Most important is failure of the Russian military to achieve its primary war objective: regime change of the Zelensky government, in a country one third as populous as Russia. Their abysmal performance gives the lie to the preposterous Western meme that Putin’s Russia is trying to re-establish a Soviet style Russian empire. They appear incapable of fighting their way out of a proverbial paper bag.

But a close second is the refusal of the U.S. and most NATO nations to promote negotiations which are the only way to end a war neither side can win decisively. Secretary of State Antony Blinken keeps blinking at negotiations, avoiding contact with his Russian counterpart since February 15. President Biden refuses to talk to his Russian counterpart, saying he cannot remain in office much less discuss a negotiated settlement with him.

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Unhappy 7th Anniversary, US Saudi War on Yemen

While the U.S. government and mainstream media rightly condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, neither offer one iota of protest against US enabling of Saudi Arabia’s horrific war against neighboring Yemen that has killed over 400,000 and puts millions at risk of starvation.

The Saudis started the war 7 years ago today by intervening in Yemen’s civil war to prevent an Iranian aligned faction from becoming their neighbor. For America it represents a proxy war against the hated Iranian regime.

America has been all in helping the Saudis with US made planes and bombs; refueling and maintenance help, and logistical support. Without US support the incompetent Saudi war effort would collapse, making America instrumental in the carnage and humanitarian catastrophe called the ‘worst in the world’.

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US Policy in Ukraine Dumb and Dumber

Just yesterday the U.S. reiterated its stance it is not seeking to promote a negotiated truce between Ukraine and Russia that could end their month long war. It also re-stated that the best help in can provide is to flood more weaponry into the war zone.

That is even dumber than the dumb US policy since 2008 of dangling NATO membership to Ukraine, supporting a coup to topple the Russian leaning elected Ukraine president, then arming and training the new ultra nationalist government to fight the civil war ignited by that US coup. Over 13,000 have been killed in the Donbass, mostly Russian speaking Ukrainians, in the 8 years since.

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Is Zelensky Trying To Get Us All Killed?

Up until Russia’s criminal war against Ukraine February 24, few Americans understood America’s tortured history with Ukraine, much less its president was Volodymyr Zelensky. Now Zelensky’ is touted thruout U.S. and NATO countries as the new Churchill for his courageous stand against Russian aggression, refusing any thought for his personal safety.

But while the onus for any criminal war is on the country that starts it, reckless conduct of the attacked both before and during the war must be considered in understanding the conflict. On that score President Zelensky is a failure.

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‘Preventive’ Wars, 19 Years Apart, Both Illegal, Immoral, Criminal

In August, 2002, after a 35 year absence from the peace movement, following the Vietnam War. I re-upped. Why? I read an article buried deep in the Chicago Trib about America’s multi-billion dollar buildup in the Middle East to attack Iraq over their presumed but fictitious WMD program. It strongly implied it was too late to stop America’s advance to pre-emptive war regardless of what the ongoing UN inspectors found.

Sure enough, 7 months later the U.S. did attack, 19 years ago this day. Hundreds of thousands of dead people and trillions of wasted US treasure, the US still has soldiers defiling Iraq. They still encounter attacks from Iraqi militia who, along with the Iraqi government, want us out.

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US, Russia at War – Neither Will Admit It

The U.S. and Russia, possessing over 13,000 nukes between them, are at war. By imposing economic sanctions designed to collapse the Russian economy, and funneling billions in weaponry into Ukraine to combat the Russian invasion, the US has taken sides, aiding Ukraine’s efforts to fend off the criminal Russian invasion. That represents de facto war with Russia.

But neither the US nor Russia will admit such a war exists between them. To do so puts every weapon at their disposal to defeat the other side. That includes those 13,000 nuclear weapons, only a few hundred of which could end life on earth.

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