A Christmas Carol From Hell

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is playing Ebenezer Scrooge on steroids, forcing his minions to work Christmas week. But unlike Scrooge, who was simply seeking more business profits, Schumer seeking $111 billion in borrowed US treasure to fund our lost war in Ukraine and Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza.

One would have no idea Schumer is pitching endless death and destruction in Ukraine and Gaza from this Orwellian soundbite: “The Senate will return Monday. That will give negotiators from the White House, Senate Democrats, and Senate Republicans a time to work through the weekend in an effort to reach a framework agreement.” Schumer’s ‘framework agreement’ is a framework of death.

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Ukraine Builds Reverse Wall in Losing War Against Russia

Since the Russian invasion nearly 2 years ago, Ukraine has beefed up its border defenses, even building a wall in some areas. But it’s not to keep the Russkies out. It’s to keep thousands of draft dodging Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 safely inside Ukraine so they can be flung into the slaughterhouse near the Donbas.

Besides 50 ways to leave you lover, there’s 50 ways to leave Ukraine. All the recruitment center heads have been fired for taking bribes by draft dodgers. Truckers are selling fake driver jobs to men who then exit the trucks near or over the border. Many simply flee on foot through mountainous areas. Some dress as women, priests or doctors. Daring ones squeeze themselves into secret vehicle compartments to be driven over the border by compatriots.

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Rep. Quigley’s Plea for Endless Billions for Lost Ukraine War Is Preposterous

In his Chicago Tribune op-ed (‘If we don’t approve more aid for Ukraine, the conflict in Europe will grow), Illinois 5th District Congressman Mike Quigley offered every national security state trope for squandering an additional $61 billion in weapons for Ukraine’s lost war with Russia.

The title offers the first one with Quigley’s false claim that lack of US aid will fuel growing conflict in Europe. That is nonsense. Any credible political scientist would school Quigley that Russia’s aims are limited to keeping Ukraine neutral and out of NATO, in addition to ending Kyiv destruction of the largely Russian cultured populous of Donbas. That is it.

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US Creates Its Own Day of Infamy

December 8th now makes 2 consecutive calendar Days of Infamy for America. But this one, coming 82 years and a day after the first, is not from an attack on America. It comes from America’s descent into madness, enabling and supporting Israel’s genocidal ethnic cleansing of Gaza after the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel.

The UAE sponsored the UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. Within 24 hours they garnered nearly a hundred co-sponsors from the UN’s 193 members. UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutierrez invoked rarely used Article 99 of the UN Charter to bring the resolution to the Security Council for immediate consideration over “threats to international peace and “humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza”.

But the US blocked the resolution with a dastardly veto. Thirteen other members voted for it, including some of America’s staunch allies. Even our most lockstep ally Britain abstained. The US now stands alone in supporting Israel’s campaign making Gaza uninhabitable.

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Defense Secretary Austin’s Scurrilous Attack on Peace Community

President Biden, struggling to gain support for his $105 billion weapons boondoggle to further US wars against Russia and Gaza, sent out his chief advocate for perpetual war, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, to hammer away at advocates for a sane, peaceful US foreign policy.

Austin told the Reagan National Defense Forum in California, actually a forum for perpetual war, that Americans for peace are “Americans [who] prefer isolation to engagement…[trying] to pull up the drawbridge. [They’re Americans trying] to kick loose the cornerstone of American leadership. [They’re Americans who are trying] to undermine the security architecture that has produced decades of prosperity without great-power war. And you’ll hear some people try to brand an American retreat from responsibility as bold new leadership.” So when you hear that, make no mistake: It is not bold. It is not new. And it is not leadership.

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President Biden Has Morphed Into the Murder Monster

What is going on in the 81 year old soul of Joe Biden?

He looks out from his privileged life in safe America and sees about half of Gaza’s buildings turned into rubble. Over 14,000 mainly innocents dead with likely thousands more buried under the rubble. Food, water, medicine, electricity largely denied the 2.3 million Palestinians with over three quarters now refugees.

All of this enabled and supported by President Biden. He’s sent billions in weapons to Israel to complete the removal of Palestinians from Gaza.

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