Biden’s Support of Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza His Dirtiest Deed Ever

The world recoils in horror over Israel’s ongoing 41 day near genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza. Many thousands reported dead with untold more under rubble of nearly half of Gaza’s buildings destroyed and damaged. Over 1,500,000 of Gaza’s 2,300,000 citizens have been displaced. Yet, the bombs follow them as they head south, away from the carnage in and around Gaza City. Most food, water, medicine and electricity have been shut down. Babies die in dark hospitals that are still standing.

All this largely made possible by Biden’s near total support of billions in weaponry and related military assistance. Biden claims sympathy for the decimated Palestinians. But his deeds enabling their being systematically pushed out are dirty and dastardly indeed.

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Congress Wildly Out of Sync With Voters on Gaza Ceasefire

A recent Data For Progress poll showed the following voter support for immediate ceasefire to end civilian deaths in Gaza.


Tragically, support for that ceasefire in Congress is a minuscule 2.4%, just 13 of 535. No wonder Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has rejected any consideration of ceasefire. The bombings and invasion of Gaza will likely continue till its 139 square miles are ethnically cleansed.

Walt Zlotow became involved in antiwar activities upon entering University of Chicago in 1963. He is current president of the West Suburban Peace Coalition based in the Chicago western suburbs. He blogs daily on antiwar and other issues at

Ghoulish White House Response to Genocidal Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby advised Gazans Tuesday that their destruction and ethnic cleansing will continue relentlessly. “This is war. It is combat. It is bloody, ugly and it’s going to be messy and innocent civilians are going to be hurt going forward.”

No spokesman Kirby, not just hurt. Innocent civilians in Gaza are dying every day, every hour, every minute under thousands of bombs but no food, no water, no medicine; not even electricity to run their overwhelmed hospitals.

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Why Is Biden Enabling Genocidal Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza?

Over 5,000 dead, mostly civilians, from 2 weeks of relentless Israeli bombing, turning much of the 139 square miles of Gaza into rubble, is a genocidal act of ethnic cleansing. It is designed to diminish, if not eliminate the 2.3 million Gazans. The many who have died from lack of food, water, medicine and electricity, while unknown, may be in the thousands as well. It is a monumental crime against humanity.

Much of the world is repulsed, including many in Israel. Yesterday, dozens from local Chicago Jewish groups, If Not Now, Never Again Action, and Jewish Voice for Peace, held up traffic in the Loop for over an hour during rush hour in their call for immediate ceasefire. Bravo.

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Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel: Biden’s Treasure-Squandering Trifecta

President Biden has a weapons supply problem. In 20 months of the Russo Ukraine war, also US proxy war on Russia, he’s blown $113 billion in US treasure desperately needed by the Homeland, National health care, infrastructure, clean energy, border security, migrant aid relief, education, crime reduction among other issues, go wanting.

The repetitive requests for more, more, more are weighing on Americans who increasingly see it as the boondoggle for the weapons makers it is. While congressional Democrats completely support is Biden’s spending spree, a small Republican House contingent is pushing back, sensing public disgust with Biden’s giveaways as a means of defeating him next year. They’re holding up current spending requests with both their opposition and current legislative paralysis due to the vacant Speaker’s chair.

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