Biden Should Promote Peace Over War in Ukraine for Two Good Reasons

President Biden faces a dilemma. He’s running for re-election in what is likely to be an extremely close reelection race.

But he’s locked into promoting endless tens of billions to win an unwinnable proxy war against Russia in Ukraine that the electorate no longer supports.

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Why No Hollywood Movie on Nagasaki A-Bombing?

In the 1952 movie Above and Beyond, movie idol Robert Taylor played handsome Col. Paul Tibbetts, straight out of Central Casting, who piloted Enola Gay to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima 78 years ago today. We all grew up in awe of Tibbetts, Enola Gay and the perfect mission which incinerated Hiroshima from the first A Bomb dropped in anger. My awe eventually turned to revulsion over a horrendous war crime.

But who piloted what plane that dropped the second A-Bomb on Nagasaki just 3 days later? The American Story has largely erased the saga of the Nagasaki mission for good reason. It was a colossal screw up that almost got the pilot court-martialed; indeed, nearly detonated Fat Man over the Pacific en route.

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Senate Passes $886 Billion NDAA: No Audits Necessary

President Joe wants no audit of the billions in weapons of mass Ukrainian death provided in the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

His compliant Senate majority gave him every buck of the 886 billion bucks he requested to wage US exceptionalism round the world. Besides ravaging the life of millions in dozens of countries worldwide from bombs and sanctions, US foreign policy risks nuclear war with Russia and China over Ukraine and Taiwan respectively.

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Oppenheimer Biopic Should Rekindle Japanese A-Bombing Debate

The movie Oppenheimer, based on American Prometheus, the Pulitzer Prize winning bio of J. Robert Oppenheimer, hits theaters today. Neatly bookended on the calendar between the July 16, 1945, A bomb test and the Hiroshima/Nagasaki strikes 3 weeks later, Oppenheimer is sure to be an atomic like blockbuster.

Besides widely informing America of the epic life of possibly its most consequential American in history, it should also spur debate on the necessity for killing over a hundred thousand Japanese civilians in those 2 monstrous attacks.

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Chicago Tribune Publishing Defense of Cluster Munitions Use Inexcusable

I understand a lot of Americans may support US giving cluster bombs to Ukraine in their war with Russia. They’re no doubt cheering President Biden for sending those grotesque weapons of death despoiling any ground they land in. The unexploded bomblets mostly harm little kids who pick them up out of curiosity, losing limbs and possibly life itself.

The Tribune gets kudos for Stephen J. Lyons’ scathing op ed decrying US sending them to Ukraine to blow up Ukrainians for months, years, even decades after the current war ends… if ever.

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Sen. Duckworth, Not Satisfied with Nuclear Brinkmanship with Russia, Promotes It with China

My Senator, Tammy Duckworth, sure didn’t learn a single lesson about criminal war and reckless foreign policy from her Iraq war service.
 She was parlayed during that service. Along with her horrific injury, she will have a likely lifetime congressional career, possibly even the presidency. Her claim to office is bellicose support of American exceptionalism causing havoc with many nations and worldwide disgust with American interventionism.  
Not satisfied with promising NATO expansion on Russia’s borders which prompted their Ukraine invasion, she is now all in for implementing an Asian version of NATO to China’s borders. I guess those 300 or so US bases already ringing China aren’t sufficient. She appeared with Alaska Republican Senator Dan Sullivan on Meet The Press to boost the case for expanding NATO all the way to China’s neighborhood. NATO’s proposed expansion to Russia’s border with Ukraine provoked a Russian invasion that has largely destroyed Ukraine as a viable nation while killing upwards of a quarter million.  
She appears oblivious that the US Proxy War in Europe has funneled over a hundred billion in US treasure to keep Ukrainians dying while neglecting the critical needs of the US homeland. Does Duckworth really think Proxy War Asia will work out any better? She’s got the US on track to funnel another hundred billion in military and economic aid….this time to Taiwan. Somehow the prospect of nuclear brinkmanship with the 2 other largest nuclear powers never enters her policy positions.  
Senator Duckworth has spent every one of her 3,650 days in the House and Senate championing US exceptionalism that has killed hundreds of thousands. Had she joined Veterans for Peace instead of Congress, she’d have done more for the cause of peace and security for America and the world on Day 1 than she’s done every day for the past 10 years.