How to become collateral damage #37

Israeli military 'regrets' killing wrong man in Hamas raid, Unarmed Palestinian Amr Qawasme was shot dead during IDF operation to arrest militants in Hebron, Harriet Sherwood,, Friday 7 January 2011 16.03 GMT OOPS! In the occupied West Bank, Israeli...

Iran: Parallax view

NOAM CHOMSKY: The Brookings Institute just a few months ago released extensive polls of what Arabs think about Iran. ...They show that Arab opinion ...—holds that the major threat in the region is Israel, that’s 80 percent; the second major threat is the United...

Washington Times: Dirty Bombs Away!

Of course the Moonies concur with John Bolton that Israel must strike the soon-to-be-activated, harmless light water reactor at Bushehr in Western Iran – an act which would be certain to drag the United States into a high-casualty catastrophe within moments. But the...

YouTube of Iran Debate

Below is the 2 1/2 hour entirety of that Iran debate at UCR on April 1, 2010. Featured speaker was Reese Erlich. Panelists were Erlich, Larry Greenfield, Christopher Records and myself. The host was Louis Vandenberg. Thanks to Joe Briggs for putting this on his...

Queer as Folk

Andrew Sullivan scolds the organizers of a gay pride parade in Madrid for withdrawing their invitation to an Israeli float: Barring an Israeli float in Madrid's gay pride parade seems perverse, exclusive and pernicious. They think they could have a pride parade in...

Love, Exciting and New, Come Aboard, We’re Expecting You

Our quote of the day comes from wounded idealist Benjamin Netanyahu: That was not a love boat. That was a boat of hatred. It was not a peaceful flotilla. The soldiers who boarded the ships were attacked by clubs, batons and knives. And if you can bear to look, here's...

Can We Hear the Recording Please?

In his zeal to defend Israel, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies’ (FDD) Cliff May cites a colleague’s contentions that the activists taking part in the “Freedom Flotilla” were obviously Islamic radicals bent on massacring Jews. From his weekly...

Michael Rubin: The Moral Contortionist

Michael Rubin has posted yet another rant on National Review’s "The Corner." This time he goes after the petty Europeans and “chattering class” for their quaint beliefs in proportionality. As Daniel Luban and Jim Lobe have pointed out, Michael Rubin has been...

The Everybody’s-Doing-It Dodge

On his Twitter feed, Glenn Greenwald commends Rep. Barney Frank for these recent comments: In an interview with the Boston Herald, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said that that "'as a Jew,' Israeli treatment of Arabs around some of the West Bank settlements 'makes me...

PR Advice to the Palestinians

I've heard a certain criticism countless times over the years, but after seeing it three times in two days on the same site, I decided to do a little research. From that vast repository of respectable opinion, The Atlantic, here are Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrew Sullivan,...