There Are Some Lines You Just Don’t Cross

Remember Walid Jumblatt, the leader of Lebanon's Progressive Socialist Party who made a big splash four years ago when he began raving about the wonders of the Bush Doctrine? Probably not, to the relief of many a neocon. He was an embarrassing ally for the warbots...

Aid for Gazans

Prof. Floyd Rudmin sends the following: Material aid to Palestinians in Gaza can be given by donations to the following aid agencies. These are not listed in any order of priority.1) The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East...

Jerusalem Post Cranks Out More Hasbara Fodder

In the course of approving news links this morning, I read this article from the Jerusalem Post that claims that Hamas has taken to seizing and selling truckloads of international aid "to the highest bidders." I looked for a few minutes for a mention of this in other...

The Spineless Huffington Post Gives ‘Equal Time’

Huffington Post was so very kind this week to give space to almost frustratingly moderate Palestinian intellectual Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi. In his well-reasoned article, "Palestine's Guernica and the Myths of Israeli Victimhood," he supplied all the basic facts behind...

Extrude Mahmoud

In an interview in Der Spiegel, former Mossad agent and current cabinet minister, Rafi Eitan suggested that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might find himself in front of an International Criminal Court in The Hague if he doesn't watch himself. Anyone with even...

Should the Israelis Arrest Benny Morris?

As Justin Raimondo points out in his article this morning, "A Brazen Evil," noted Israeli scholar Benny Morris wrote an op/ed in Friday's New York Times, "Using Bombs to Stave Off War," in which he advocated that the U.S. government or the Israeli government attack...

Did Israelis Leak New Spy Info to Thwart War?

Over at the American Conservative magazine's blog, columnist and former CIA officer Philip Giraldi reports that Israeli sources have indicated to him that the recent leak to the FBI about the new-old Israeli spy case came from inside the Israeli government...