Who Really Defeated ISIS?

Who defeated the Islamic State In Syria?

Before answering that question. What is the ISIS? Can the public overcome its chronic amnesia and think back to the sudden appearance of ISIS dressed in brand new black uniforms, gleaming white NIKE’s and driving Toyota trunks? They seemed to appear out of nowhere in 2014. ISIS looked as if it were a mirage when it appeared, or more likely a CIA staged scene from Hollywood.

No sooner had ISIS appeared than it went on a head chopping binge that repulsed and frightened the US public. Washington officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry rang the alarm that this hoard of Islamic crazies wanted to invade the US and “kill us all”. A well-compliant mainstream media swallowed Washington’s script and regurgitated it to frighten a US public. The public gave its silent consent for more war really aimed at Bashar al-Assad.

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Ron Paul on Iran Protests… CIA Fingerprints?

Is it just a coincidence that the biggest protests since 2009 have hit Iran shortly after a secret agreement was revealed between Washington, Tel Aviv, and Riyadh to destabilize Iran? And shortly after a new Executive Order was issued by President Trump allowing him to seize US assets of anyone he deems a “human rights abuser” …or anyone who aids a designated “human rights abuser”? On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Best Wishes to Robert Parry for a Speedy Recovery

I was shocked to hear that the Robert Parry, the editor/publisher of Consortium News, suffered a stroke on Christmas Eve. His stroke affected his eyesight (especially his reading and thus his writing) although apparently not much else.

Consortium News has been an almost daily addition to Antiwar.com’s front page for a long time and Robert Parry’s excellent analysis is on our site several times a week. Unlike many on the left since the election of Trump, Parry has kept a strong and well-reasoned analysis of “Russia-gate” and the DC hawks.

We hope for Bob’s quick recovery. He is a good friend, and an important part of the antiwar movement.

Read Bob’s lengthy announcement about his condition.

Remaining Peaceful Was Their Choice

People living now in Yemen’s third largest city, Ta’iz, have endured unimaginable circumstances for the past three years. Civilians fear to go outside lest they be shot by a sniper or step on a land mine. Both sides of a worsening civil war use Howitzers, Kaytushas, mortars and other missiles to shell the city. Residents say no neighborhood is safer than another, and human rights groups report appalling violations, including torture of captives. Two days ago, a Saudi-led coalition bomber killed 54 people in a crowded market place.

Before the civil war developed, the city was regarded as the official cultural capital of Yemen, a place where authors and academics, artists and poets chose to live. Ta’iz was home to a vibrant, creative youth movement during the 2011 Arab Spring uprising. Young men and women organized massive demonstrations to protest the enrichment of entrenched elites as ordinary people struggled to survive.

The young people were exposing the roots of one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world today.

Continue reading “Remaining Peaceful Was Their Choice”

NBA Removes Palestine From Website at Israeli Behest

Officials “apologize” to Israel for “oversight.”

Signing up for an internationally accessible website almost always means including your country of origin. The same has been true of NBA.com, for years.

Then today, Israel suddenly expressed outrage at that fact, with their Sports Ministry having noticed that occupied Palestine is an option, declaring that to be “an imaginary state” and demanding it be removed.

Sports Minister Miri Regev insisted there is no such thing as occupied territory, and that the NBA’s listing was not in keeping with President Trump declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

Perhaps even more incredibly, the NBA immediately relented, saying it was an “oversight,” and apologizing for including Palestine as an option.

It’s not at all clear what provoked Israel to go after NBA.com, as virtually every website with a registration system has similar options for Palestinian users. That the NBA immediately caved in, and even apologized, likely means they won’t be the last, and that Israel is going to start brow-beating websites on a regular basis.

New Trump Executive Order: Good Move or Global Asset Forfeiture?

Last week President Trump signed an Executive Order providing for the seizure of assets of any person or corporation – American or foreign – determined to be abusing human rights or engaging in corruption. In theory, this means if a Chinese employee of Apple bribes a Chinese official, the US government claims the right to freeze all of Apple’s US assets. How’s that going to work out? Tune in to today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.