The Worst Horror Imaginable to be called an 'Arab.' At least that is my take away from the latest Obama ad to appease bigots. In today's Electronic Intifada, editor Ali Abunimah notes how easily and breezily this slips by the sensible Eastern Establishment censors: But The Hill fails to...

Was it the promise or was it the SOFA?

On Friday, October 21, 2011, Mr. Obama, invoking one of his campaign promises, announced the complete withdrawal of all U.S. Troops from Iraq by "the [Christian] holidays." Over the weekend, he and his media arm further spun the story, claiming the deadline...

Has your Congressional Rep signed Out-of-Iraq letter?

If your representative has not signed Lee-Jones letter on Iraq, please call his or her office now. The Capitol Hill Switchboard line is 202-225-3121. The list of current signers to "Bring all U.S. Troops and Military Contractors in Iraq Home by Dec. 31, 2011" is...

Dubya was right??

From film-maker Oliver Stone's interview with former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner, we discover: Oliver Stone: "Were there any eye-to-eye moments with President Bush that day, that night?" Nestor Kirchner: "...I said that a solution to the...

Mass murder: Monkey see monkey do?

JUAN GARCÉS: "... Hitler asked his generals to be ready to invade Poland, and to exterminate the population in those territories, because German population should replace this population. Some generals say, "My Führer, there will a provoking of cry in the...

Droning On. And On & On & On

Unfortunately, that's not just Mr. Obama's speeches - - - AMY GOODMAN: "...the Obama administration's drone war in northwest Pakistan is continuing. There have been at least nine drone attacks this month, the latest killing five people in North Waziristan Sunday....

ANOTHER U.S. washout?

The Obama Administration has been catching choreographed flack -- from the militaryindustrialcongressional complex -- ever since it announced a now wimped down withdraw from Afghanistan beginning no later than July, 2011: Gen. James Conway: "In terms of the July...