A regular reader of Antiwar.com writes, "Professor Joe Salerno, academic vice president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in a recorded talk from the institute’s 30th anniversary celebration, talks about the Keynesian architects of the US Warfare state. Salerno...
Antiwar.com’s Week in Review | September 30, 2011
Antiwar.com's Week in Review | September 30, 2011 Watch Justin Raimondo talk with Judge Andrew Napolitano about Obama's secret wars and the FBI investigation of Antiwar.com at the Antiwar.com blog. Don't miss Scott Horton interview Glenn Greenwald for Antiwar Radio...
Antiwar Radio Will Return Next Week
Host Scott Horton is recovering from a brief illness. The live daily show will return next week. Please see the blog for updates. The Friday KPFK version of Antiwar Radio show will continue as scheduled at 6:30pm Pacific. Antiwar Radio at KPFK can be heard here.
Scott Horton on Fox Business Channel (video)
Scott Horton, host of Antiwar Radio was the featured guest tonight (11/29) on Fox Business News' Freedom Watch, hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano. The show airs daily Monday through Friday at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. Scott discussed the latest Wikileaks release. Judge...
Network for Peace
Is your student group featuring an antiwar speaker? Does your place of worship host a weekly peace vigil? Does your anti-empire group have a mailing list or a schedule of upcoming events? We want to let others know about your work for peace. Please email Angela Keaton...
Eric Garris on Bill Meyer Show
Antiwar.com founder and webmaster Eric Garris will be interviewed on the Bill Meyer Show Wednesday, July 7th at 7:05am Pacific/10:05am Eastern. The topic will be the recent comments by Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele on Afghanistan. Listeners can...
Justin Raimondo on Bill Meyer Show
Antiwar.com's Editorial Director Justin Raimondo will be interviewed on the Bill Meyer Show Friday, June 18th at 8:10am Pacific/11:10am Eastern, for KMED, Medford, OR. The topic will be Mr. Raimondo's recent column, Afghan Bling, regarding the curiously timed...