From Boiling Frogs: Leading scholars and human rights groups from a range of fields -- including psychology, medicine, law, military, and intelligence -- have joined together in spearheading a broad-based effort to annul and delegitimize the American Psychological...
FBI Supervisor Calls for Prosecutor in Edmonds Case
From An 18-year Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism Manager for the FBI has called for a Special Counsel to be appointed to investigate the allegations of FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. John M. Cole, who now works as an...
Sibel Edmonds’s Big Day
Sibel Edmonds, former contract-FBI translator/whistleblower and "most gagged person in U.S. history" has finally told all - to's Philip Giraldi. It's all in the cover story for November's issue of The American Conservative magazine, "Who's Afraid of Sibel...
Sibel Edmonds Testimony
Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI-contract translator under a gag order for her whistleblowing, has testified under oath numerous times - in secret. She has told much of her story in bits and pieces appearing in articles, interviews and .jpg files over the years, but, for...
Hastert goes (back) to work for Turkey
Philip Giraldi has a new "Deep Background" just out for the American Conservative magazine about former House Speaker Dennis Hastert's new job lobbying for Turkey - from which he has been credibly accused in the past of accepting cash bribes while still in the congress.
Sibel Edmonds’ Story Makes the MSM!
Thanks very much to O.E., who writes: It was shocking, but a pleasant surprise, to find Philip Giraldi's "Found in Translation" article reprinted, at least in part, in today's Dallas Morning News. They did leave out the part about the Valerie Plame, but with graphics...
Valerie Plame Wilson Describes Sibel Edmonds Disclosures as ‘Stunning’
What disclosures are those? Treason. Sunday Times 1,2,3. Philip Giraldi 1,2,3. Now BradBlog reports to us an interview from Tuesday, February 12th 2008, in which "outed" CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson discusses (at 39:00) the allegation that former State Department...