Newsletter | February 16, 2013


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This week’s top news:

GOP Filibusters Hagel Nomination: Senate Republicans on Thursday temporarily blocked the nomination to secretary of defense of former Sen. Chuck Hagel, with Democrats coming just one vote shy from blocking a filibuster.

Continue reading “ Newsletter | February 16, 2013” Newsletter | February 8, 2013 Newsletter | February 8, 2013


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This week’s top news:

Brennan Placates Congress on Torture, Drones in Confirmation Hearings: The Senate confirmation hearings on Thursday for John Brennan, President Obama’s nominee to be the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, focused primarily on CIA torture and drones, as Brennan heads to inevitable approval.

Leaked Justice Department Memo Reveals Legal Case for Targeted Killings of US Citizens: The US government can order the killing of American citizens even when there is no active intelligence accusing them of carrying out a specific terrorist attack, according to a confidential Justice Department legal memo obtained by NBC News.

Continue reading “ Newsletter | February 8, 2013” Newsletter | February 1, 2012

This week’s top news:

Neocons Press Hagel in Confirmation Hearings: Hagel was largely submissive to right-wing bullies, passing up opportunities to defend his own views.

UN Report: Israel Must Withdraw All Settlers or Face ICC: The United Nations Human Rights Council said in a report issued Thursday that Israel is violating international law in the West Bank, that Israel “must immediately initiate a process of withdrawal of all settlers” from the West Bank and cease further settlement building “without preconditions.”

Continue reading “ Newsletter | February 1, 2012” Newsletter | January 25, 2012


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This week’s top news:

Kerry: US Will Do What We Mustto Stop Iran: Senator John Kerry (D-MA) vowed in his Senate confirmation hearings to be the next Secretary of State that the US would do what we must; to stop Iran from ever acquiring a nuclear weapon, adding that the clock is ticking; for Iran to comply with US demands.

US, West Chasing Non-Threats in Africa: As the France-led military intervention in Mali enters its second week, a growing chorus of Western governments, from Britain to the US, are voicing strong support for it by systematically exaggerating the threat posed by militants in Africa’s Sahel region.

Continue reading “ Newsletter | January 25, 2012”

Iran War Weekly for January 20, 2013

When putting together links for activists or our weekly newsletter, one excellent resource is the Iran War Weekly featured at by Frank Brodhead.

Iran’s nuclear program, and the possibilities of war against Iran, will likely be prominent in the Senate confirmation hearings of President Obama’s new national security team, particular in the case of the proposed Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel. While Hagel, Kerry (State), and Brennan (CIA) are all expected to be confirmed, Senate Republicans have served notice that (especially in the case of Hagel), the nominees will be scrutinized to see if they are prepared to keep the sanctions screwed on tightly against Iran and, if necessary, go to war.

What I think we should watch for is how the nominees characterize the present state of Iran’s nuclear program (is this a nuclear weapons program?), whether sanctions are helping or hurting the possibilities of a negotiated resolution to outstanding issues in dispute, and whether Iran is a threat to Israel. It will also be interesting to see if the existence of Israel’s nuclear arsenal is acknowledged.

Please visit the rest of this issue and the archive at WarIsACrime. Newsletter | January 12, 2012

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This week’s top news:

Is US ‘Pullout’ Talk Simply Tough Diplomacy for Karzai Visit?: Much attention has been given to the Obama Administration’s plan for a withdrawal from Afghanistan, with reports that they are considering to a total withdrawal from Afghanistan, using the eventual pullout from Iraq as a model. But it may just be a negotiating strategy.

Continue reading “ Newsletter | January 12, 2012”