's economist David Henderson will be speaking Saturday, May 14, 3:00pm PT at the Monterey Peace and Justice Center located at 1364 Fremont Blvd., in Seaside, California. Professor Henderson, a Research Fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford...
Squandered Lives and Snuffed Out Genius: Mises, Tolkien, and World War I
Recently in The Times, Richard Morrison discussed, “The musicians silenced in the carnage of the Great War,” this being the centennial year of World War I. Morrison explored the war’s, “cataclysmic effect on the musical world,” and how “it left an indelible mark on...
VERIFIED: Where Wars Do — and Don’t Come From
Where wars DO come from: "It is not civilizations that promote clashes. They occur when old-fashioned leaders look for old-fashioned ways to solve problems by rousing their people to armed confrontation." --Kenichi Ohmae, The End Of The Nation State, (New York: The...
Frank Gaffney Slams Noted Libertarian Isolationists Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson
I missed this Frank Gaffney column from a couple of weeks ago: I had an unsettling flashback last week listening to two of the Republican presidential candidates talk about foreign policy. Representative Ron Paul of Texas and former Utah Governor Jon Hunstman espoused...