A Poem for Gaza

Shireen she was a martyr

She died for our sins

Some people want the dirt so bad

That’s how it all begins

One side says to the other

I need what you got

If you don’t give it up

I’ll shoot you on the spot

If we don’t learn nothin’

We will never stop the rain

If we don’t do nothin’

It’ll come around again

And so I must ask you

Which side are you on?

Chip Burns 11/16/23

President Biden: Learn the Names of Children You’ve Helped Israel to Murder

To: President Joe Biden

You’ve often spoken of how much you care about children and how terrible it is when they’re murdered. “Too many schools, too many everyday places have become killing fields,” you said at the White House last spring on the one-year anniversary of the school shooting in Uvalde. At the time of that tragedy in Texas, you had quickly gone on live television, speaking gravely.

“There are parents who will never see their child again,” you said, adding: “To lose a child is like having a piece of your soul ripped away. . . . It’s a feeling shared by the siblings, and the grandparents, and their family members, and the community that’s left behind.”

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Thoughts on War in Gaza and Ukraine

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

Some thoughts – more or less connected – on war in Gaza and Ukraine:

Israel is engaged in a “traditional” war of conquest. Like the Romans destroyed Carthage, Israel is essentially destroying Gaza using American-provided weaponry, together with hoary approaches like famine and disease.

What surprises so many is that ruthless wars of conquest aren’t supposed to happen. It’s 2023! We’re civilized people! Only dictators like Putin are ruthless! But, as many people have noted, Israel has already killed more children in two months than Russia has killed in nearly two years of war in Ukraine.

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‘Silent Night’ in Nagasaki: Christmas 1945

Reprinted with permission from Greg Mitchell’s newsletter Oppenheimer: From Hiroshima to Hollywood.

Decades before I started work on my award-winning documentary Atomic Cover-up in 2020, I had heard of the alleged episode: Japanese survivors of the second U.S. atomic bomb gathering in the ruins of the Urakami Cathedral—the largest in the Far East—in Nagasaki at Christmas to celebrate Christmas with songs such as “Silent Night.” I never expected to find a record of it, but ultimately, I did secure it and used it for the haunting opening of my film.

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‘Tis the Season for War

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

As Christmas approaches, it doesn’t seem to be the season to be jolly, unless you’re a U.S. weapons manufacturer. It seems instead yet another season for war, as the president and Congress fight over how much deadly weaponry to send to Ukraine and Israel (and to Taiwan as well). Look under the White House Christmas tree and you’ll find Hellfire missiles for Israel, cluster munitions for Ukraine, and similar gifts offering joy to the world.

Last week, Ukraine’s president paid a visit to Washington where he posed with his most fervent supporters and gift-givers: U.S. arms manufacturers. Talk about a photo op!

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