A Christmas Carol From Hell

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is playing Ebenezer Scrooge on steroids, forcing his minions to work Christmas week. But unlike Scrooge, who was simply seeking more business profits, Schumer seeking $111 billion in borrowed US treasure to fund our lost war in Ukraine and Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza.

One would have no idea Schumer is pitching endless death and destruction in Ukraine and Gaza from this Orwellian soundbite: “The Senate will return Monday. That will give negotiators from the White House, Senate Democrats, and Senate Republicans a time to work through the weekend in an effort to reach a framework agreement.” Schumer’s ‘framework agreement’ is a framework of death.

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Israel Sent SUITCASES OF CASH Into Gaza For Hamas Says New York Times!

From the Jimmy Dore Show:

If you believe the standard narrative, the Netanyahu government in Israel is a moral enemy of that evil terrorist group, Hamas. But if you actually know anything, you’d be aware that Netanyahu has actually been secretly supporting Hamas for years, and now we’re finding out that Israel was actually helping funnel millions of dollars from Qatar to Hamas in Gaza, delivered in briefcases full of cash.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Due Dissidence host Russell Dobular about why Netanyahu would find common cause with Hamas.

Ahad Ha’Am’s Prophetic Warning about Political Zionism

ahad haam

Ukrainian-born Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg (1856-1927), whose pen name was Ahad Ha’Am (Hebrew for one of the people), was a proponent of Spiritual, or Cultural, Zionism, which made him a rival to Theodor Herzl and Political Zionism, the movement dedicated to creating a nation-state in Palestine for all Jewish people worldwide. Ahad Ha’Am remains relevant to understanding the roots of the conflict in Palestine and Israel that has cost so many innocent lives. Hans Kohn, a Bohemian-born American writer, shed light on Ahad Ha’Am’s thinking about the “Arab problem” for Herzl’s movement in “Zion and the Jewish National Idea,” published in Menorah Journal, Autumn-Winter 1958. (The journal ceased publication in 1962.) Here’s part of what Kohn wrote. Pay close attention to the quotes from Ahad Ha’Am:

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John Mearsheimer Interview on Gaza and Ukraine

From John’s Substack:

I did another interview with Freddie Sayers on 12 December 2023.

Much of it focuses on my substack article on Gaza: “Death and Destruction

Freddy questions me on whether a realist like me can offer moral judgments on another state’s behavior — as I do regarding Israeli behavior in Gaza. He pushes me on all sorts of other issues involving Ukraine as well as Gaza.

Also see: https://unherd.com/2023/12/john-mearsheimer-there-is-no-two-state-solution/

The Massacre of Gaza

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

Last night, I watched the classic film version of H.G. Wells’s “The War of the Worlds.” Made in 1953, the film depicts a Martian invasion of the Earth, with humans being massacred in droves due to the superior technology of the Martian fighting machines. As the narrator intoned, channeling the book by Wells, it was the “massacre of humanity.” Spoiler alert: humanity is saved by viruses and bacteria that infect and kill the Martians.

Continue reading “The Massacre of Gaza”

Traitors! Congress Votes To Extend Unconstitutional Spying on Americans!

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

The US House this morning joined the Senate in approving the massive, trillion dollar National Defense Authorization Act where Congressional leadership snuck in authorization for the government to continue to illegally spy on US citizens not suspected or accused of any crime! In the House, Speaker Johnson only passed the bill with the assistance of Democrats – a move that cost his predecessor his job. Will Johnson suffer a backlash for betraying his promises?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.