Biden’s Support of Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza His Dirtiest Deed Ever

The world recoils in horror over Israel’s ongoing 41 day near genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza. Many thousands reported dead with untold more under rubble of nearly half of Gaza’s buildings destroyed and damaged. Over 1,500,000 of Gaza’s 2,300,000 citizens have been displaced. Yet, the bombs follow them as they head south, away from the carnage in and around Gaza City. Most food, water, medicine and electricity have been shut down. Babies die in dark hospitals that are still standing.

All this largely made possible by Biden’s near total support of billions in weaponry and related military assistance. Biden claims sympathy for the decimated Palestinians. But his deeds enabling their being systematically pushed out are dirty and dastardly indeed.

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Israel Could Learn From America’s Mistakes

One of the most infuriating lines parroted by apologists of Israel’s aggressive campaign on Gaza is “should the Americans have accepted calls for ceasefire after Pearl Harbor or 9/11?” Never mind the fact that the US reaction to Pearl Harbor ended with the use of nuclear weapons, and that the US reaction to 9/11 has been nothing short of disastrous, few people if any are actually calling for a ceasefire with Hamas militants. Instead they’re calling on Israel to take a responsible approach to rooting out Hamas and end its brutal bombardment and siege of the Gaza Strip.

Many fewer people would be using the language of ceasefire if the Israelis were conducting targeted ground operations on individual terrorists, but their approach to “dismantling” Hamas, much like the US approach to combating al-Qaeda after 9/11, has been disproportionate to the point of overkill. Israel would do well to learn from America’s experience with the calamity that is the so called war on terror. US politicians sadistically calling for Israel to “finish them” and for America to increase its involvement clearly don’t care to take any lessons from the last 20 years. They should from their mistakes, and the Israelis should too.

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University of Florida Pro-Palestine Group Sues DeSantis Over Deactivation

The University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine on Thursday sued state education officials and Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis over their move to deactivate the group for its support of Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation, apartheid, and other crimes.

The lawsuit – which was filed by the ACLU of Florida and Palestine Legal – seeks a preliminary injunction to block State University of Florida System Chancellor Ray Rodrigues’ deactivation order, issued last month after Students for Justice in Palestine’s (SJP) national body declared support for Palestinian “resistance” to Israel’s war on Gaza.

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From Gaza With Rage

The repeating Israeli airstrikes on the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza are beyond my own comprehension.  For at least 10 of the last 40 days, missiles have rained down on the most densely populated refugee camp in all of Gaza.

And it is not just the days; it is also the nights. The bombing is done in the dark, when the power is off and the only light is from the fires that burn. It is done when the internet is cut, when the journalists are shot dead, to hide their crimes, the burning of children.

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