America, Land of Innocents

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

It’s depressingly true that no nations or peoples are immune from committing atrocities. History is filled with them. Atrocities, that is.

Did Hamas commit atrocities, most notably on 10/7? Yes. Has Israel committed atrocities in Gaza since those terror attacks? Yes.

Any sane human is outraged by atrocious behavior. What is particularly galling about Israel’s atrocities is that the U.S. government is enabling them while claiming Israel and the U.S. are the good guys—and that, however many innocents die due to U.S. and Israeli bombs, bullets, and missiles, it’s all the fault of Hamas.

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Ukraine’s Military Leadership Admits the Obvious

Commander in Chief of Ukraine’s armed forces Valery Zaluzhny admitted last week in the pages of The Economist that the war with Russia has become a stalemate and there will “most likely” be no breakthrough. It has been clear for months that Ukraine’s much hyped summer offensive has been a massive failure, and military leadership is finally acknowledging the reality. But at a press conference days later Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sternly rejected Zaluzhny’s assessment. Evidently he’s still hanging on to the notion that victory is just around the corner.

He pointed to the fact that talk of stalemate was widespread last year before the Kharkiv offensive. “A few military tricks, and you remember, the Kharkiv region was liberated,” he said.

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Netanyahu Blames Arabs – Not Hitler – For the Holocaust!

From The Jimmy Dore Show:

An old video of Benjamin Netanyahu has surfaced in which the Israeli Prime Minister alleges that Adolf Hitler had not planned the Nazi’s “Final Solution” to exterminate Europe’s Jewish population until he was given the suggestion by a Palestinian Mufti. He was rightfully raked over the coals for this Nazi whitewashing and attempt to place blame for the Holocaust on Arabs.

Jimmy and his guests Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss from Due Dissidence discuss the political angle of Netanyahu’s comments.

Over 50 Bodies Pulled From Rubble of Gaza School Bombed Amid Israeli Assault

Palestinian civil defense officials said Friday that more than 50 bodies were recovered from the rubble of a school in northern Gaza where civilians were sheltering when it was destroyed during overnight Israeli bombardment.

Palestine’s WAFA News Agency reported civil defense and ambulance rescue teams removed the blasted and crushed remains of victims of Thursday night’s missile and artillery strikes on the al-Buraq School in the al-Nasr neighborhood of Gaza City. The outlet said that most of those killed were women, children, and elders.

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The People of Gaza Need a Ceasefire Now

The Biden administration is now admitting that the death toll in Gaza is likely much higher than the count from the local Ministry of Health:

A senior Biden administration official said the death toll of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is likely far higher than the 10,000 number being reported by the health ministry amid Israel’s war against Hamas.

Barbara Leaf, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, told a House panel that those killed over one month into the war are likely “higher than is being cited.”

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