The People of Gaza Need a Ceasefire Now

The Biden administration is now admitting that the death toll in Gaza is likely much higher than the count from the local Ministry of Health:

A senior Biden administration official said the death toll of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is likely far higher than the 10,000 number being reported by the health ministry amid Israel’s war against Hamas.

Barbara Leaf, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, told a House panel that those killed over one month into the war are likely “higher than is being cited.”

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Israel Is ‘Daddy’ to the US Congress

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

I wrote a note to my representative in Congress, William Keating (D), who is the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. I expressed my opposition to massive Israeli bombing and massive U.S. aid that facilitates that bombing. Yesterday, I received a form letter in reply that reveals Israel remains the “Daddy” to the U.S. Congress.

How so? The letter from Mr. Keating is plainspoken and direct in its condemnation of Hamas. There is, however, absolutely no criticism of Israel. None. Hamas is pure evil, Israel is a blameless victim, and that’s all you need to know, according to the letter signed by Keating.

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‘All Human Life Is Precious, Humanitarian Law Applies to Everybody’

Michael Holmes is a freelance journalist and founder of Global Apartheid, a project that documents the largest mass killings in modern history.

Rashid Khalidi is a Palestinian-American historian of the Middle East at Columbia University in New York City. He has worked as an advisor to Palestinian negotiators in the 1990s in Madrid and Washington. He has written many books on the Middle East, including the “Hundred Years’ War on Palestine”, which offers a fact-filled history of the Israel-Palestine conflict from 1917 to 2017. The gripping book is a hard hitting critique of Israel’s many wars against the Palestinian people and the ongoing colonization of Palestine. It nevertheless offers a balanced, nuanced view of the conflict. Khalidi has woven fascinating personal stories of several generations of the Khalidi family into the narrative. He appeals to his fellow Arabs to recognize the great importance of the Holocaust and the state of Israel to the Jewish people. In this interview he explains the latest escalation of the conflict, its deep historical roots, the role of the West and Israel’s central propaganda myths. 

Q: Mr. Khalidi, how are you feeling these days?

A: I’m feeling great distress. I have family in Gaza and other parts of Palestine. I have many students and friends in Palestine and Israel. I’m feeling very distressed, especially at the enormous loss of civilian life in Gaza that’s ongoing right now.

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He’s BAAACK! The Ghost of John McCain Haunts GOP Debate

From today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

All of a sudden the Republican Party has returned to its 2002, neocon-dominated warmongering. The pseudo-debate last night signaled the return of the neocons and their disastrous warfare-welfare philosophy. Also today: Biden faces internal revolt over his Gaza policy as US troops hit harder and harder in Syria.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Who Is Drinking Netanyahu’s Amalek Kool-Aid?

“You must ‘remember what Amalek has done to you,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admonished on October 28, announcing the “second phase,” a ground invasion, of Israel’s war in Gaza.

Amalek, in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), is a nation that ambushed the Israelites making their way to the Promised Land. Following the attack, which they were able to beat back, God instructed that they must never forget and must wage an eternal war until no trace of Amalek’s existence remains. Generations later, King Saul killed all but the Amalekite king, whose descendent, Haman, generations after that, in the story of Purim, plotted to kill all the Jews in Persia.

Netanyahu is notoriously secular in his private life. But, ever the shrewd politician, scripture is his language of choice to sell his war to Jewish supremacists in Israel and right-wing Evangelicals in the U.S.

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