‘As a Human Being, I Beg’: Doctors Say Ceasefire in Gaza Only Way to Save Countless Lives

As the World Health Organization warns of an “imminent public health catastrophe” in Gaza amid Israeli attacks on medical workers and infrastructure, doctors and other frontline medics said Wednesday that only an immediate cease-fire would give them a fighting chance to save countless lives.

Responding Wednesday to the shutdown of the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital – Gaza’s only cancer treatment center – due to lack of fuel and damage from Israeli airstrikes, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that “no words can describe our concern for the patients who have just lost the only possibility to receive lifesaving cancer treatment or palliative care.”

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Wall Street Eyes ‘Explosion of Profits’ From Gaza Destruction

From today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

A new article in The Guardian details the enthusiasm among the masters of Wall Street for the wars in Gaza (and Ukraine), issuing “buy” orders all around for US weapons manufacturer stocks. Meanwhile, Gaza’s largest refugee camp was blown to pieces yesterday. The Biden Administration is now considering sending US troops as “peacekeepers” once the smoke clears. Good idea?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

What Gaza Needs Now Is Mercy

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

A grim historical lesson taught by Thucydides, who wrote on the Peloponnesian War more than two millennia ago, is that the strong do what they will while the weak suffer what they must. Historically, the Jewish people have often been weak. Weak in the sense they had no homeland. They had no army. They were, in a word, vulnerable.

Compounding this vulnerability was prejudice. People who are vilified, who are dismissed as untrustworthy, who are defined as “other,” even as “human animals,” are especially vulnerable to the strong because the vilified rarely attract staunch champions or even sympathetic helpers.

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Israeli War on Gaza Sparks ‘Largest Mass Mobilization of Jews in American History’

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proclaims in genocidal undertones his army’s “holy mission” to invade Gaza, Jewish American peace activists are ramping up their nationwide effort to bring about a ceasefire in the three-week war.

“We’re watching a genocide unfold in real-time. In just three weeks, the Israeli military has killed over 8,000 Palestinians in Gaza, among them over 3,000 children,” Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) said early Monday. “That’s more than the annual number of children killed in conflicts across the globe since 2019.”

Continue reading “Israeli War on Gaza Sparks ‘Largest Mass Mobilization of Jews in American History’”

Ron Paul says ‘It’s Over’: Zelensky Hammered In Time Magazine

From today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

What a difference a year makes. Just a year ago Time Magazine named Ukrainian president Zelensky its “man of year” and raised his status practically to a saint. This week’s Time cover could not be more of a contrast. Have the elites finally thrown “Project Ukraine” and Zelensky under the bus now that a new shiny object – a Middle East war – has come around?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.