A Reckless and Dangerous Israeli Assassination in Iran

The Israeli government assassinated the leader of Hamas’ political wing while he was in Tehran to attend the inauguration of the newly-elected Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian:

Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’s political wing, was killed in Iran, Hamas announced Wednesday, describing the death as an assassination. Hamas and Iran both blamed Israel and vowed to retaliate; the Israel Defense Forces declined to comment. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said it was Iran’s “duty” to avenge the killing, and Hamas’s armed wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, warned of “major repercussions” for the whole region.

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The Official Death Toll in Gaza Is a Lie. The Casualty Numbers Are Far, Far Higher

The death toll in Gaza is way too low by every imaginable metric. We need to be stressing this – all the more so when Israel’s apologists are vigorously engaged in a disinformation campaign to suggest that the figures are inflated.

On 6 May, 7 months into Israel’s slaughter, there were reported to be 34,735 dead. That was an average of 4,960 Palestinians killed each month.

Today, nearly three months on, the reported death toll stands at 39,400 – or an increase of 4,665.

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Israel Attacks Iran and Lebanon – Biden-less Biden Admin Pledges Full Support

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

While President Biden continues to be out of the picture, his Administration just pledged full support to Israel after its shocking attack on both Tehran and Beirut in the past 24 hours. Will the feckless Administration allow the US to be dragged into war in the region? Also today, acting Secret Service head who denied additional resources to Trump now tells Congress he’s ready to “reform” the Secret Service.

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Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

Veterans to VP Harris: Push Now To End the Siege of Gaza

The national organization Veterans For Peace has written an Open Letter to Vice President Kamala Harris, asking her to push for an immediate end to the siege of Gaza.  The letter begins:

“Dear Vice President Harris, we are reaching out to you as military veterans who have fought in multiple US wars, and who continue to uphold the US Constitution and international law, to organize for justice and equality in our home communities, and to advocate for a peaceful foreign policy. We are appalled by the ongoing Israeli slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children and by the maiming of tens of thousands more. We are outraged by the systematic blocking of food, leading to malnutrition, starvation, disease and the deaths of many more, particularly babies and young children.  These are unbearable and unacceptable crimes that will go down in the history books as a terrible genocide – a holocaust.”

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Venezuela: Who’s Coup-ing Who?

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

After innumerable US-backed coup attempts in Venezuela – including the almost comical Juan Guaido fiasco – one might think Americans would become skeptical when the old “stolen election” and “regime change” narrative is rolled out again. But as in Hollywood, when you have a successful story you keep rolling out sequels. Does it matter who runs Venezuela? Only if you are in oil or minerals… or the regime change business. Also today: Pentagon accountants find another two billion dollars for Ukraine… and US debt reaches $35 trillion.

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Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.