Matt Taibbi

The Rip-off in Iraq: Billions Stolen


Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone magazine discusses the unbelievable extent of the Republicans’ corruption in Iraq and the complete and total lack of accountability.

MP3 here. (14:39)

Matt Taibbi is a roving national reporter and columnist for Rolling Stone. He’s the author of Smells Like Dead Elephants: Dispatches from a Rotting Empire, a collection of his writings about the 2004 election. He lives in New York City.

Andrew Patel

Padilla’s Lawyer Describes Disgraceful Process


Andrew Patel, Jose Padilla’s lawyer, discusses the Bush administration’s military detention, torture and bogus conviction of his client for non crimes and the lengths they went to in order to avoid abiding by the law.

MP3 here. (30:34)

Andrew Patel is an attorney in New York City.

Greg Palast

Thousands of Shia Forced From Anbar, Oil Price High


Investigative reporter and author Greg Palast explains how Bush’s prop Sheikh Abu Risha was a nobody before he got blown up, how the real power among the Sunni tribal leaders operate and the ease with which they dominate the al Qaeda in Mesopotamia types, the horrible ethnic cleansing of Shia by the newly U.S. backed Sunni insurgency in Anbar, the proxy war for control of OPEC, the battle between the neocons and the oilmen, why he thinks there won’t be a war with Iran and the kid that got tasered for asking Kerry questions out of Armed Madhouse.

MP3 here. (40:54)

Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Armed Madhouse (Penguin 2006). His first reports appeared on BBC television and in the Guardian newspapers. Author of another New York Times bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Palast is best known in his native USA as the journalist who, for the Observer (UK), broke the story of how Jeb Bush purged thousands of black Florida citizens from voter rolls before the 2000 election, thereby handing the White House to his brother George. His reports on the theft of election 2004, the spike of the FBI investigations of the bin Ladens before September 11, the secret State Department documents planning the seizure of Iraq’s oil fields have won him a record six “Project Censored” for reporting the news American media doesn’t want you to hear. He returned to America to report for Harper’s magazine.

Let’s Call This Post “President Bushtrayus”

As you may or may not have already heard, the United States Senate has passed a non-binding resolution condemning over a September 10th advertisement in the New York Times. This is fresh off Rep. Thomas Davis III’s call for an “investigation” into whether the discounted rate the Times gave them violates election laws (which apparently were expanded enough to cover criticism of an unelected General in a non-election year). We could ask what sort of chilling effect this will have on freedom of speech, but frankly I think the days where anyone takes Congress seriously are long over.

Plus, I have to admit I’m a little jealous. has been around longer than, and has certainly been criticizing wars longer than they have. Where’s our non-binding resolution? After all, what are our tax dollars going for if not to pay Senators to complain to us about our lack of patriotism?

“Bush Betrayal” on the Road to Damascus

A Syrian government-owned newspaper reviewed the Arabic version of Bush Betrayal this week.

Here is the summary of the September 17 review, as reported by the British Broadcasting Corp. Middle East wire:

Al-Thawrah carries a 400-word article by Khalaf al-Jarrad entitled “‘The World President’ Betrayal,” in which the writer reviews “The Bush Betrayal Book” by James Bovard, saying that “since being published four years ago, the book has aroused and continues to arouse a wide-scale, strong controversy among the US political and intellectual quarters, not because of its bold, shocking, and unusual title, but because the writer succeeded in gathering hundreds of pieces of evidence to prove the soundness of his theory, which is based on accusing the president of the superpower of treason.” [Damascus Al-Thawrah (Internet Version-WWW) Arabic. URL: ]

Not to be petty here, but I don’t recall the Voice of America ever doing a review of Bush Betrayal.

I wonder how the phrase from the book’s final chapter -”Torturer-in-Chief” – translated into Arabic.

If anybody out there can read Arabic and can find & decipher the full review, I would be much obliged. Also, if people have seen other Arabic reviews, I would appreciate hearing about them. Email me at

Charles Goyette

Empire Destroying American Economy


Antiwar Radio host Charles Goyette explains how central banking and empire have destroyed the U.S. dollar, some history regarding the gold standard, the confluence of interests which came together for the war in Iraq, how the fed transfers the wealth from the working and middle classes to the plutocrats and the true costs of war.

MP3 here. (33:12)

Antiwar Radio’s Charles Goyette, America’s most independent talk show host, smashes the states lies every morning on 1100 am KFNX in Phoenix.

Fearless in defending his principles, Charles has been interviewed by newspapers and magazines, as well as television and radio stations around the world. His articles and transcripts of his speeches have been published in The American Conservative Magazine, Talkers Magazine, newspapers, and popular political websites. An occasional columnist for the Scottsdale Arizona Republic, Charles’ popular “Inner Views” feature appeared regularly in America West Airlines’ in-flight magazine with a monthly circulation of more than a million. He is also a regular contributor to the magazines of Gannett Publishing. Charles has shared his views with national television audiences on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, including on The O’Reilly Factor, Lou Dobbs Tonight, and on the popular PBS program “NOW with Bill Moyers.” Recently a national television documentary team chose to feature Charles’ radio show for a forthcoming PBS special exploring immigration issues. Charles can also be heard on talk radio nationally, filling in for syndicated talk show hosts such as Ed Schultz and Thom Hartmann, and with podcast programs and interviews on