David Corn

Hubris: Republican Crimes, Lies and Hypocrisy

David Corn Washington editor of the Nation and co-author of Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal and the Selling of the Iraq War discusses his fun humiliating George F. Will on ABC’s This Week for his blatant hypocrisy, why Libby deserved to be convicted, why it’s a canard that Armitage was the first to reveal Wilson’s wife to Novak, Cheney’s role in lying us into war and punishing those who contradicted him, the time Novak lied directly to my face about Rove and whether the Democrats will ever get their act together and hold real investigations.

MP3 here. (18:52)

David Corn is the Washington editor of The Nation, the oldest political weekly in America, and a Fox News Channel contributor. He writes on a host of subjects, including politics, the White House, Congress, and the national security establishment. He has broken stories on George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, Colin Powell, Rush Limbaugh, Enron, the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA leak case, the Pentagon, and other Washington players and institutions. He currently writes a web column for The Nation called “Capital Games.”

Charley Richardson and Nancy Lessin

Military Families Speak Out: Support the Troops, End This War Now!

Charley Richardson and Nancy Lessin, co-founders of Military Families Speak Out do just that – in this case against the so-called “surge” of troops into Iraq and Afghanistan, the impotence political games of the Democrats, the completely ignored antiwar mandate from the American people last November, the scum that is Congressman Obey, his lie that it is to abandon the troops for Congress to mandate that money may only be spent on their safe withdrawal.

MP3 here.

Military Families Speak Out is an organization of people opposed to the war in Iraq who have relatives or loved ones in the military. Our membership currently includes over 3,000 military families, with new families joining daily. If you have family members or loved ones in the military and you are opposed to this war, JOIN by sending an e-mail to us at mfso@mfso.org

Lou DuBose

Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency

Lou Dubose, author of Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency, discusses what a hypocritical coward Dick Cheney is, his long march to power through the Nixon and Ford years, how his crew out-smarted and out-maneuvered Bush’s crew to take control over the White House, the reasons why he and Powell didn’t want to go “all the way to Baghdad,” fun speculation about what craziness may be going on inside his head, what involvement the OVP had in lying us into war, his corrupt no-bid contracts, how the Cheney Cabal killed Iran’s attempt to give up everything in April 2003.

MP3 here.

Lou Dubose is the former editor of the Texas Observer, where he followed the career of George W. Bush. He has cowritten two Bush books with Molly Ivins, “Shrub” and “Bushwhacked.” He is the co-author, with Jan Reid, of “The Hammer: Tom DeLay: God, Money, and the Rise of the Republican Congress.” His newest is Vice: Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency.

The Times, They Are a’Changing ….

National Review editor Rich Lowry on Bill Clinton’s perjury:

Let’s concede that sexual harassment law is too broad and that the Jones suit was quite weak, that ideally there shouldn’t have been an independent counsel waiting to pounce on Clinton’s crimes, that a pair of conservative lawyers gave legal advice to the Jones team with the ulterior purpose of harming the president, and that Linda Tripp wasn’t very nice to Monica Lewinsky or very honest — that still leaves the fact that Bill Clinton, the president of the United States, had sex with an intern, perjured himself about it, suborned the perjury of someone else, and obstructed justice. What were House Republicans supposed to do with these alleged high crimes and misdemeanors of the president? Ignore them?

Rich Lowry on Scooter Libby’s perjury:

Fitzgerald’s evidence against Libby was all he said/he said. In these circumstances, a judicious prosecutor would have committed an act of forbearance, and even moral courage: He would have let it go. Fitzgerald couldn’t resist the temptation of every Washington special prosecutor, which is never to close up shop without at least one obstruction-of-justice indictment.

An Open Letter to Chris Matthews

Dear Sir,

I am writing you today because I think you and your investigative reporter, David Shuster, are two of the only men on TV news who might have the guts to step up and cover a very important story that is currently suffering from a near-total media blackout.

That blackout is deep enough that it’s likely you haven’t even heard that 2 new FBI whistleblowers have come forward – one named, the other still anonymous – vouching for the veracity of the claims of former FBI contract linguist-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who is once again pushing – this time backed by more than thirty public interest groups – for public congressional hearings into her case.

One of these new whistleblowers, a 20-year veteran agent named Gilbert Graham, has revealed in a leaked letter [.pdf] to the Justice Department Inspector General’s office that the intercepts she was involved in translating as part of official FBI investigations into high-profile criminal activity in 2001 and 2002 were themselves illegal wiretaps on some very influential people – begun under authority from Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants when they should have been using the old-fashioned 4th Amendment kind.

I think that makes this story an official double-whammy.

Perhaps this lawbreaking by the investigators is part of why the Justice Department has waged such a battle against this courageous woman’s right of free speech and right to seek redress in court by using (abusing) the “States Secrets Privilege” to prevent her from saying what she learned during her part in the investigation.

Many current and former federal police and intelligence officials, Senators and Congressmen, and the Inspector General himself have vouched for Edmonds’s credibility. No one of significance has challenged her facts, only her right to tell us what they are.

Edmonds told me Wednesday, March 7th, in a joint interview with renowned intelligence reporter James Bamford,

“[I]f Congress moves forward and holds this public hearing, I can guarantee you that you are going to be seeing some major criminal indictments here because we are not talking about light-level stuff – we are talking about very serious criminal activities.”

From what I understand, this may be an understatement.

Why not invite her on your show?

I am certain she will be an energetic and informative guest, and there’s no doubt that your TV cameras will like her too.

Her gag order is severe, but she can say enough to set your man Shuster on the path to the story of a lifetime.

This link is to the .pdf file of the unclassified version of Graham’s letter to the Department of Justice’s Inspector General’s office.

Thanks very much for your time.

Scott Horton (from Antiwar.com, not the world-renowned anti-torture lawyer)