Hanging On with Gaza

Originally appeared on World Beyond War.

During a week of action focused on UN potential to end Israel’s genocidal attacks, I was part of a coalition that met with twelve different permanent missions to the United Nations. We urged that if countries that are parties to the Genocide Convention or the Geneva Conventions stop trading with Israel as international law demands, (cf. the July 19th advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice), the genocide will end quickly.

In each encounter at a Permanent Mission to the UN, its staff asked if we, as U.S. citizens, have addressed our government’s unwavering support for the genocide against the earth’s most desperate people.

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War Is the Enemy

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

America has two war parties, Republican and Democratic, ensuring the death of democracy since war is the most insidious enemy of freedom and liberty.

When I wrote recently about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a longtime reader sent me this insight:

People just don’t realize how ugly war really is and how ugly everyone at war gets to be, and that goes for us as well as the Japanese. 

How true! Ugliness is everywhere in war because war actuates the very worst impulses of the (in)human condition.

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Why Are Liberal Zionists Cheering as Harris Echoes Biden on Gaza?

Hours after Kamala Harris gave her acceptance speech at the Democratic convention, the president of the “pro-Israel, pro-peace” organization J Street took a victory lap in an effusive e-mail to supporters. “Wow,” Jeremy Ben-Ami wrote. “What a week! As J Streeters leave the Democratic National Convention fired up and ready to go, it’s clear we’re having a greater impact than ever.” He added that “the vice president’s remarks on Israel-Palestine were perhaps the clearest articulation of J Street’s values from a presidential nominee.”

But what are those “values” and how do they apply to what’s happening in Gaza?

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Amnesty Urges War Crimes Probe of ‘Indiscriminate’ Israeli Attacks on Gaza Camps

In an investigation focusing on a pair of Israeli massacres of forcibly displaced Palestinians in Gaza, Amnesty International on Monday urged the International Criminal Court – whose chief prosecutor has already applied for warrants to arrest Israeli and Hamas leaders – to open a war crimes probe of the attacks, which it said were likely “indiscriminate” and “disproportionate.”

“On May 26, 2024, two Israeli airstrikes on the Kuwaiti Peace Camp, a makeshift camp for internally displaced people in Tal al-Sultan in west Rafah, killed at least 36 people – including six children – and injured more than 100,” noted Amnesty, which early in the assault on Gaza found “damning evidence” of Israeli war crimes including indiscriminate killing of civilians.

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