Saturday Blog Tour

Josh Marshall is on vacation for a few days, but he leaves us with this tantalizing claim:

I’m going to be taking a breather from TPM for a few days. I’ll be away tucked away on some island somewhere far, far away. If something truly earth-shattering happens I may pop my head up. But I’m going to try mightily to resist (and you’ll be in good hands while I’m away.)

A few points before signing off, though. You may have noticed a slight down-tick in the frequency of posts of late. And that’s for a few different reasons. But a principal one is that I and several colleagues have been working on a story that, if and when it comes to fruition — and I’m confident it shall — should shuffle the tectonic plates under that capital city where I normally hang my hat. So that’s something to look forward to in the not too distant future. And that’s taken some of my time away from TPM and prevented me from sharing with you some delectable tidbits which otherwise I would have loved to have done.

Shuffling tectonic plates in DC can only be a good thing and we can always hope some of the rotten structures there fall into rubble. Meanwhile, Spencer Ackerman of TNR’s Iraq’d is filling in so TPM is still a good read while we wait for Marshall’s revelations.
In an effort to lighten the gloomy atmosphere created by the rafts of bad news from Saudi Arabia, Alhamedi of The Religious Policeman treats us to this amusing bit of Saudi Arabian Camel trivia. Did you know that there were camel overpasses in KSA?

Here’s tristero on the debacle at Berkeley triggered by Berkeley Hillel having the infamous intellectual zero and logic-impaired Daniel Pipes to speak.

In short, you wanna prevent the sheer awfulness of what happened at Berkeley from happening again? First, remove from power the kinds of people who think Danny’s a legitimate voice. And be sure to keep Danny and his ilk from having any kind of influence over American foreign policy (note to rightwingers: by “Danny and his ilk,” I’m not talking about Jews, you schmucks! I’m talking about ignorant rightwing ideologues. There’s a helluva difference, y’know.).

Next, increase funding and provide more attention to legitimate scholars of Islam and the Middle East who will, as a matter of course, rapidly displace Danny’s Islamist doppelgangers, the pricks who are presently teaching the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a genuine Jewish text. (Oh yes, indeed: there are some major league slimebags in Islamic Studies right now. But Danny’s not the boy to be casting stones at ’em.)

After that, I dunno what to do. But hey, that’s a pretty good start.

Jim Henley, softy: “Hey, you know me, Loyal Reader – I just can’t stay mad at people. Heck, if Glenn Reynolds himself suddenly slapped himself on the forehead and said, ‘Hey! How did I, a libertarian, succumb to a freaking cult of personality for a politician? And George W. Bush, yet?’ I’d want to drive to Tennessee and give him a big ol’ hug. That’s just the kind of sweet guy I am.” And who has Jim gone soft on? Christopher Hitchens, of all people. “I have hopes for this guy.” Read all about it.

Jim also points out an excellent (as always) Arthur Silber post:

Arthur Silber puts our present pass down to worship of the State. He’s close, but there’s one further level. Our real god is Perfect Safety, whom we have elevated in our pantheon above its divine siblings Freedom and Dignity. The State is Perfect Safety’s high priest. It preaches from the altar and whispers in the agora that it will bring the blessings of the god if we but bend the knee now and do the spastic dance of the flails when the oracles are propitious. The high priest is not innocent in this, but unless we remove the god to a humbler altar we shall remain under his sway.

There is much wisdom here, though I would say reject the god and his High Priest and smash the altar entirely. I’m for pulling evil weeds out by the roots.

Micah Holmquist on Horowitzwatch: “Moral equivalence,” a term that is basically just a more subtle way of saying DO NOT COMPARE US, THE GOOD GUYS, TO THE BAD GUYS.

The Libertarian Jackass has hired an intern, “Efficient E.” His duties are described as “….making a dynamic, entertaining, radical, and highly informative Internet experience.” One might wonder why an intern would be expected to achieve what LJ himself h…..well, never mind. Anyway, LJ is soliciting ideas for how poor Efficient E should attack this monumental task. Help him out. Participate in the “WHAT SHOULD MY INTERN DO NEXT?” CONTEST. I’m sure that not posting the prize list is simply an oversight, soon to be corrected.

Great post by Brian Hunter at Common Prejudice on Bush’s Bizarro World. Of course, the Medium Lobster dissents because he believes, along with GDuhbya, “Where there is desire for smoke, there is conceptual fire.”

“Martial Law” in Iraq?

US appointed Iraqi “Foreign Minister” Falah Hassan al-Naqib says he will impose “martial law” in response to ongoing violence, particularly the horrific series of car bombings, 20 in the past month alone, if he feels it necessary. The question would be, what sort of martial law can a government with no military impose?

Falah Hassan al-Naqib, the interior minister, said the new interim government would have no qualms about imposing martial law if the violence threatened to undermine its authority.

“If we need to do it, yes, we’ll do it, we won’t hesitate,” he said. “This is the security of our country, the security and the life of our people.”

martial law

  1. Temporary rule by military authorities, imposed on a civilian population especially in time of war or when civil authority has broken down.
  2. The law imposed on an occupied territory by occupying military forces.

That should go over like a lead balloon. In what way does “martial law” differ from what is happening in Iraq now, anyway?

More Putin

Dec. 2001:

    Although Bush administration officials have openly discussed the possibility that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein may be the next target in the war on terrorism, Putin said he has seen no evidence that Iraq finances terrorists.

Seven months ago:

    “We are do not want the United States to lose their war on terrorism – we are US partners in the fight against terrorism,” Mr Putin said.

    “But as for Iraq, this is a separate matter. There were no international terrorists under Hussein. This is a separate problem,” he said.

Boris and Natasha Come Clean

Vlad Putin announced today that Russian intelligence told Bush before the war that Iraq was going to attack the U.S. Why hasn’t Dubya shared this with us before? It sure would have bolstered his thin case for invading and saved him a lot of trouble in the time since. And why does the State Dept. sound so surprised to hear this? Must be a problem with interoffice mail in the White House.

As for the quality of Russian intelligence, I give you this excerpt from a Sept. 14, 2001, interview with a Russian intelligence bigshot:

    Kosyakov: But I want to repeat: the fact, that the terrorists are not claiming responsibility [for the Sept. 11 attacks], indicates that they will strike again and again. Until the second stage is reached—the stage of global conflict. This is the goal of all these actions. At that point they will reveal their authorship, in order to obtain a mobilization reserve.

    Q: And who is it? Bin Laden?

    Kosyakov: Hardly. Sure, some conversation of his was intercepted, where someone reported about hitting two targets. That would indirectly support his involvement. But he is not the ideologue. He is too visible. Those who could organize all this are too clever, to be so visible. (emphasis mine)

Yep, sounds like they’re really on the ball in Moscow.

Clinton proud of Kosovo

Bill Clinton’s memoir hit the shelves this week, pompously titled “My Life.” The philanderer-in-chief also went on CBS’ “60 Minutes” to hype the book defending his emperorship.
According to agency reports, Clinton confessed he messed around with Monica Lewinsky “for the worst possible reason. Just because I could.”
Well, that explains a lot – and not just about his sexcapades. Continue reading “Clinton proud of Kosovo”