Amazing hostage hero story

hamillhostageCNN Reports:

After three weeks of captivity by Iraqi insurgents, American Thomas Hamill walked free when his guards apparently fled from an approaching U.S. Army patrol, soldiers who found him said Monday.

One of the soldiers, 2nd Lt. Joseph Merrill, said his platoon was looking for a break in an oil pipeline near Balad when Hamill approached them from a nearby farmhouse, waving his shirt and shouting that he was an American prisoner.

“He came out in the field, and he actually took his shirt off and waved his shirt in the air,” Merrill said. “As he got closer, we heard he was speaking English.”
Hamill’s cousin, Jason Higginbotham, said Hamill told him he had given his captors the slip days earlier — only to turn back when he failed to draw the attention of a passing American helicopter.

“He said he escaped one time about three days earlier, and he was out in the middle of the desert,” Higginbotham said.

“A helicopter came over, and he tried to flag it down, but it evidently didn’t see him. So he decided you know — he didn’t have any food and water — and he’d more than likely die in the desert trying to make it on his own, and they were taking pretty good care of him. So he went and put himself back in captivity without them knowing.”

Anyone else smell a rat?

I’ll float this theory: The Iraqis turned Hamill loose when the Americans pulled out of Fallujah and he’s been hiding out ever since, scared witless that some mujahideen will shoot him. Oh, and those Iraqis some reports had as being captured by the brave American soldiers on the pipeline patrol?

A U.S. military spokesman says Hamill identified himself and led the soldiers to the house, where two Iraqis with an automatic weapon were arrested on Sunday.

Another version:

When Mr Hamill escorted the platoon back to the empty mud shack, soldiers found an AK-47 rifle, apparently discarded by the fleeing guard.

Troops arrested a pair of Iraqi men farming in an adjacent field, Lt Merrill said. The two Iraqis are being questioned.

Here’s the CPA version:

The soldiers, who were assigned to Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry, and task organized to my brigade combat team, are from the New York National Guard. They secured Mr. Hamill, who then led them to the house where he had been held captive. The patrol conducted an immediate search of the house where Mr. Hamill was held, where they detained two males and seized one AK-47 rifle. There were no U.S. or Iraqi casualties in this operation

The wife’s version:

Kellie Hamill said her husband told her that he was locked in a building and heard the troops driving by. He “pried the door open. He said he ran half a mile down the road and caught up with the convoy.

“Isn’t that something?” she said.

Soldiers then went back to the house and arrested two Iraqis and confiscated an AK-47 rifle, the military said.

Yeah, that’s something, allright.

Boston Globe/AP version:

Some three weeks later, Hamill’s captors took him to a mud farmhouse near the town of Balad, 50 miles north of Baghdad.

The door to Hamill’s room was a piece of sheet metal propped up by a board. Hamill, of Macon, Miss., told soldiers he believed a single guard was nearby, but out of sight.

About 11:15 a.m. Sunday, soldiers from the New York National Guard’s 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry Regiment drove their Humvees along a stretch of road next to a broken oil pipeline.

When Hamill heard the Humvees, he knocked over the sheet metal, pried open the doors of the shack and ran about 300 yards toward the convoy.

”He said he thought this was the only chance he had, so he made a run for it,” said Merrill, of Deposit, N.Y. ”He said he didn’t know if the guard was there or not.”

Four soldiers who described the escape refused to answer questions about Hamill’s time in captivity.

Merrill, who spent less than two hours with the former hostage, said Hamill was disoriented but in good health. He had just one bottle of water and didn’t know exactly where he was.

”He was obviously very glad to see us,” Merrill said.

Hamill escorted the platoon back to the shack, which was empty. Soldiers found an abandoned AK-47. A military photo taken in the shack showed his bed arranged on a couple of couch cushions on the dirt floor, with a blanket tossed over them. A bucket served as his latrine.

The Mississippi man told soldiers he’d been well treated by his captors, who gave him a rudimentary medical kit, a box of cookies and an oil lamp.

Troops arrested two Iraqis farming in a field near the shack, Merrill said.

So, take your pick. I’m sticking with my theory.

UPDATE _ From the Washington Post:

The soldiers of Charlie Company put Hamill in a Humvee, gave him water and offered him food, which he declined.

Soon afterward, they accompanied Hamill back to the shack where he had been held. They surrounded the house and found only a bed and some water and food inside.

The soldiers found an AK-47 assault rifle in a grassy area outside the shack and detained two Iraqi men walking nearby, but a military spokesman said the men may not have been involved in Hamill’s abduction. The soldiers said they believed that one of Hamill’s captors fled, leaving the weapon, after seeing that Hamill had escaped and made contact with the soldiers.
It was not clear how Hamill was taken dozens of miles from Abu Ghraib to the shack near Samarra. Before leaving for Germany, he declined requests for an interview.

The soldiers did say that they asked Hamill why he had not escaped earlier.

Forbes said Hamill told them he ” ‘could have escaped a bunch of times, but where am I going to go? One bottle of water, where am I going?’ No map, nothing. He stayed there and hoped that somebody would come by. That was his plan.”

More CPA censorship alienates Iraqis

The editor and entire staff of a Pentagon-created, US funded Iraqi newspaper has quit in disgust saying they’re sick of American interference in their choice of subject matter. They say they’re starting their own newspaper, called Al-Sabah Al-Jedid (The New Morning).

On a front-page editorial of the Al-Sabah newspaper, editor-in-chief Ismail Zayer said he and his staff were “celebrating the end of a nightmare we have suffered from for months. . . . We want independence. They (the Americans) refuse.”
“We had a project to create a free media in Iraq,” Zayer said of the founding of Al-Sabah. “They are trying to control us. We are being suffocated.”

Zayer accused Harris of interfering in the paper’s workings, including trying to stop some of its advertising and speaking to reporters about articles.

Among the ads that he said Harris tried to prevent was one from a new political organization called the Iraqi Republican Group. The ad ran in Monday’s issue — the last put together by Zayer’s staff.

It complained of the “griefs of occupation” and called on Iraqi elite to rally “to preserve our nation from destruction.”

Zayer said he was told by Harris that the ad was “too political.”

The Iraqis are so lucky the Americans invaded so they could impart their superior Western values like Freedom of Speech and democracy and all.

VD Hanson on Abu Ghraib

It takes Victor David “VD” Hanson four paragraphs of mild angst over the Abu Ghraib atrocities to segue into his apologia. The rationalizations for American torture of Iraqi prisoners are in five bulleted points. I’ll sum them up so you don’t have to read it.

  • There’s an investigation going on! Nothing’s proven.
  • Bush and Kimmitt are mad about it and boy, are those very few soldiers who did it in trouble.
  • Worse things happened in history!
  • The media is blowing this out of proportion, especially the Arab Press, those Osama-lovers!
  • Those guys naked in human pyramids with bags on their heads were probably terrorists who deserved it!

Conclusion: People are just picking on America for this because they’re mean hypocrites and don’t understand America’s moral superiority! Don’t forget the rest of the world, especially Arabs, are much worse than us, so go nag on them.

No news is NOT good news!

This morning, I was having my coffee and reading my local newspaper when it dawned on me that something was indeed missing from this noble rag. Well, on the front page and in the main section there was the story of the hostage who managed to escape his captors in Iraq. That was good news. An article about how local military families are waiting for their loved ones to come home. That was nice. Next was an article about how American troops in Afghanistan killed four “suspected” terrorists. Well, mixed feelings on that one depending on whether they really were terrorists, or merely some guys going to the post office. There was a story about Arnie’s nice speech on the Holocaust in Jerusalem. I could have lived with that being on a less-prominent page. Same with the news that ear infections are rampant. A few articles about local politicians who were tossing their hats into the ring for dogcatcher, ho-humm, and there was a bunch of feel-good stories about kids’ achievements in school; nice, but not the stuff that front pages are made of.

I’ll give you three guesses as to what was missing, and bet you will get it on the first one!

Right! Not a single mention anywhere about the eleven soldiers who died yesterday in Iraq!! Not in the main section, not in the local section, not in the home section, the money section, the sports section! Nowhere! Not surprising though since it seems even the major networks and online news pages are ignoring it, with just a few exceptions.

I want to add that my hometown is a military town chock full of families of troops overseas and veterans of several wars. Pensacola is the “Cradle of Naval Aviation,” as well as being next door to the vast Eglin AFB. What happens to our troops is of great concern to all in this city. And yet, the Pensacola New Journal does not even find the deaths of eleven soldiers worthy of note in their entire newspaper! I suspect there is more than just a bit of politics going on here. And it is surprising in light of the results of a current WEAR TV online poll which showed that the majority of the area’s population, 73%, disagreed strongly with the preemption of Ted Koppel’s roll call of the dead last week at WEAR, our Sinclair-owned local station.

Well, now I know why they call them “local rags.” That’s all the paper is good for. The problem is, many of our national newspapers have become “rags” as well. I won’t even start ranting about the broadcast media which are just as bad. Apparently, if you want the news, both good and bad, you have to go in search of it yourself. I didn’t originally intend this to be a solicitation for donations but — well, dammit, yes, I guess I do!! has consistently brought us all the news including that which otherwise would be buried on the back pages or tossed in some newsroom’s trash can, news from every corner of the global community. I am proud to be one of the volunteers here, proud to be helping in my very small way to keep the information flowing for you. Please help as well by contributing to keep us up and running.

To add to this post:
One of our readers, Pete in NC, wrote to me that try as he might, he couldn’t locate a contact link at the Pensacola News Journal. I had to call the newspaper to find out where it was myself, but here it is for those who have something to say to them: Customer Contact

Thank you, Pete!