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Don’t Send US Troops to Israel

The Biden administration is putting U.S. troops in Israel as it continues to provide unconditional support for Israel’s wars:

The United States is sending one of its most advanced missile defense systems and about 100 U.S. troops to Israel, deepening U.S. involvement in the escalating war in the Middle East amid U.S. expectations of an imminent Israeli assault on Iran.

The deployment of the missile defense battery and American personnel illustrates just how heavily Israel depends on the U.S. Far from being the self-reliant state that hawks like to celebrate, Israel has overreached so much in the last year that it has to rely on the U.S. to bail it out. Like clockwork, Biden has chosen to side with the war criminals in the Netanyahu government rather than let them face the consequences of their reckless actions. The president said he is doing this to “defend Israel,” but in reality he is providing their government with cover so that they can launch more attacks against other countries. Deploying defensive systems can be very destabilizing when those defenses reduce the costs of escalation.

Continue reading “Don’t Send US Troops to Israel”

Ron Paul on DoD Permission To Use Lethal Force Against Americans

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Just in time for the election! A new Defense Department directive spells out the scenarios whereby the Defense Secretary can put US troops on US soil in situations where lethal force may be required. Also today: Biden rushes US troops into Israel’s war on Lebanon… without Congress! Finally: Record low numbers are registering for Selective Service… we wonder why!

Watch all speeches from the recent Ron Paul Institute Conference.

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.