US Vetoes UN Resolution

Meanwhile, the Americans were working closely with Spanish diplomats at the UN to push the Security Council resolution in words which suited Madrid.

America’s permanent representative to the UN, John Negroponte told reporters that the Bush administration was satisfied with the Aznar government’s explanation.

“It is the judgment that these attacks were carried out by the ETA and we have no information to the contrary.” The resolution, adopted unanimously, “condemns in the strongest terms the bomb attacks in Madrid, Spain, perpetrated by the terrorist group ETA on 11 March 2004.

Oh, wait. That’s the wrong resolution. This is the one they vetoed:

U.S. vetoes U.N. resolution condemning Israel

Although the US is expected to use its veto if necessary, such a move will put Washington in an uncomfortable position amid worldwide denunciation of the killing, diplomats said.

However, US ambassador John Negroponte yesterday reiterated US opposition to any Security Council resolution that fails to spell out Hamas’ responsibility for the waves of suicide bombers who have attacked Israel.

These questions must be put in a context and there cannot be unbalanced resolutions that condemn one side without looking at the overall context of the situation,” Negroponte said.

“If the Security Council is going to pronounce itself on these questions, it must recognise the reality,” he said.

I’m sure no one thinks the Americans are total hypocrites or anything.

The vote was 11 countries in favor, three countries abstaining and one country – the United States – against.

As usual.

UPDATE: Here’s the text of what the Americans vetoed:

“The Security Council, recalling its resolutions 242 (1967); 338 (1973), 1397 (2002), 1435 (2002), 1515 (2003),

“Expressing its grave concern at the continued deterioration of the situation on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, as a result of the escalation of violence and attacks,

“1. Condemns the most recent extrajudicial execution committed by Israel, the occupying Power, that killed Sheikh Ahmed Yassin along with six other Palestinians outside a mosque in Gaza City and calls for a complete cessation of extrajudicial executions;

“2. Condemns also all terrorist attacks against any civilians as well as all acts of violence and destruction;

“3. Calls on all sides to immediately undertake an unconditional cessation of acts of violence, including all acts of terrorism, provocation, incitement and destruction;

“4. Calls for the cessation of all illegal measures and practices and for respect for and adherence to international humanitarian law;

“5. Calls on both parties to fulfill their obligations under the road map endorsed by Security Council resolution 1515 (2003) and to work with the Quartet to implement it in order to achieve the vision of the two states living side by side in peace and security;

“6. Decides to remain seized of the matter.”

Iraq Oil Well Blown Up

Here’s an interesting new twist in the ongoing Successful Liberation of Iraq.

…..the director general of the Northern Iraqi Oil Co said an explosion set an oil well ablaze in northern Iraq.

“The explosion occurred at 3:30 pm (1230 GMT) because of an explosive charge planted by unknown individuals inside the well, located 75 kilometres west of Kirkuk,” said Adel Qazzaz.

“It inflicted massive damage in the well, and firefighters are having a hard time extinguishing it because the explosion occurred inside the well and not in the pipelines,” he said.

So, the guerillas are actually planting explosives inside oil wells. It is difficult to see how this wouldn’t be an inside sabotage job, which indicates that guerillas have infiltrated whatever security exists at the oil fields around Kirkuk.

No WMD! Ha ha ha ha!

Proving once again that the Bushies are totally disconnected from reality and have no clue how their actions affect people around the world, Bush offers a tasteless and crude presentation in a tin-eared effort to suck up to the American media:

Bush put on a slide show, calling it the “White House Election-Year Album” at the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association 60th annual dinner, showing himself and his staff in some decidedly unflattering poses.

There was Bush looking under furniture in a fruitless, frustrating search. “Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere,” he said.

Ha ha ha! No WMD! No doubt, this girl sees the humor –
Walter Reed! In the Amputee Ward! Those guys need to be cheered up and I bet they’ll really get how funny it is that there are no WMDs in Iraq!

Crossposted at UnFairWitness

The Young & the Ridiculous

From Reason‘s other Young comes another courageous defense of the Bush administration:

    Iraq always was essential to the anti-terrorism battle precisely because victory there was regarded as necessary to transform societies from where terrorists, spawned by suffocating regimes, had emerged. One can disagree with the practicability of such a strategy, but it is difficult to fault its logic.

    Whatever the dissembling from officials seeking justification for an invasion of Iraq—and there is no doubt the effort was improperly managed thanks, in part, to harshly contending agendas within the Bush administration—the diagnosis was a correct one.

The best response to this came from a Hit & Run poster, who wrote,

    OK, let me see if I understand this:

    1) They didn’t tell us the REAL reason for the war because they figured that We the People might put the kibbosh on the war.

    2) But despite that obvious disrespect for We The People they still want to install representative government in Iraq.

    3) They can’t actually transform American inner-cities into beacons of security, prosperity, and the rule of law, despite generations of social engineering. However, they’re confident that they can get Iraq right.

    4) Moreover, they’re confident that, after pulling off the first successful social engineering project in the history of the federal government, the results of this successful project will create a domino effect in the rest of the region.

    Man, I thought Bush had laid off the Colombian stuff. I’d say he’s still doing some sort of mind-altering substance if he actually thinks this plan will work. Pass me some of that neocon weed, man!

Where Was the “War President?”

WASHINGTON : Warnings of an imminent terrorist strike “lit up” in the weeks before September 11, CIA director George Tenet said as the official inquiry into the attacks highlighted confusion and missed opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden.
“Our collection sources ‘lit up’ during this period,” Tenet said. “They indicated that multiple spectacular attacks were planned and that some of the plots were in their final stages.

Hmmm. So, what was George Bush the War President doing in those weeks before the most devastating terrorist attack on Americans ever?

He was on vacation.

UNMIK’s situation report, 23 March

A source within Kosovo has forwarded this situation report by UNMIK on the current situation in Kosovo. The tone is “business as usual.” It really does seem if they are going to try and pretend nothing happened. In the meantime, the Albanians are supposed to hold several rallies today, celebrating the anniversary of NATO’s aggression that enabled the KLA to seize power. Who knows, maybe the Alliance will forget it was targeted in the rampage amidst all the “gratitude”… For the UNMIK report, continue…

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