Mars Tax

The “Defense” Dept. actually endangers the United States — for example, its empire of bases brought a foreign power struggle to New York and DC a couple of years ago. (So now we have a Homeland Defense department. What were the other guys supposed to be defending?)

NASA, of course, is part of the whole dangerous militaryindustrial welfare program. Predictably, NASA is actually inhibiting the development of space travel by strangling competition — as a new book, Lost in Space: The Fall of NASA and the Dream of a New Space Age, argues. (Buy the book!)

Forget about Bush’s martial Martian boondoggle; what the off-world needs now is legal lunar homesteading.

The Decline of American Civilization, Symptom #4,329,286

The inability to make distinctions, or the belief that one’s audience is so unable. R. Emmett Tyrrell begins his defense of Oxyconservative Rush Limbaugh as follows:

Really, it is not very amazing that a government vendetta has been launched against Rush Limbaugh, the very successful and gifted talk show host. Governments have attempted to suppress criticism for centuries. The Founding Fathers were acutely aware of that, and provided strong protections in our system of government for dissent and for free speech.

Bravo, Bob–you almost sound like one of those kooky libertarians who criticizes the war on drugs or the PATRIOT Act. The government certainly is repressing Mr. Limbaugh, as it does millions of others, but as soon as this truth is recognized, it’s gone. After moving the shells about a bit, Tyrrell comes back to repression, but the repressors have suddenly changed:

[T]he American press is today highly politicized, and its politics are antithetical to Limbaugh’s. The press is liberal. Limbaugh is a dissident in the best sense of the word. He is conservative. That the press in general ignores the attempts to suppress him is another example of its stupendous hypocrisy, but this is not surprising. …

The harassment of Limbaugh provides another unlovely glimpse into the workings of the liberal elites.

Wait–David Broder and Maureen Dowd control the federal drug cops and Florida authorities? Why, I coulda sworn Dubya is president of the U.S.A. and Jeb runs the show down in Tallahassee! But they and their policies couldn’t be at fault; no, it’s the big bad liberals.

My God, no wonder this war was such an easy sell.

News: Nukes are Back!

War planners not only are rethinking the unthinkable — how and when to use nuclear weapons — they’re discussing it. Out loud. Over drinks and cheese balls…

William M. Adler begins his frightening commentary with the opening night reception of Strategic Space 2003, a three-day national security conference held in Omaha, Nebraska this past September.

Three months after the 9/11 attacks (although clearly in preparation much earlier), the Bush administration delivered its “Nuclear Posture Review” to Congress. The Pentagon-authored text is couched in recommendations, but its tone and direction are unmistakable. It buries alive all those quaint Cold War holdovers — diplomacy, arms-control treaties, test bans — in some figurative fallout shelter, never to be heard from again. In their stead, war planners bellow and yearn for a doctrine that strikes first and evades questions later. “The need is clear,” the posture review states, “for a revitalized nuclear weapons complex that will be able … if directed, to design, develop, manufacture, and certify new warheads in response to new national requirements

“The world of nuclear weapons policy is kind of Alice in Wonderland,” says Jay Coghlan, director of Nuclear Watch of New Mexico. “In many ways, the lower the yield of the weapon, the more dangerous the weapon, because it is more likely to be used.” That’s where mininukes come in. A one-kiloton mininuke (a kiloton equals 1,000 tons of TNT) may sound cuddly — and it is relatively low-yield: about one-13th the force of the Hiroshima bomb. But a one-kiloton warhead would generate a crater roughly the size of the Ground Zero site where the World Trade Center used to stand, and would spew a million cubic feet of radioactive fallout, estimates Daryl G. Kimball, executive director of the nonprofit Arms Control Association

In one respect, however, the posture review is unambiguous: It considers the new generation of nukes potential weapons of first resort. Not only does that lower the threshold for using them, it blurs the line between nuclear and conventional weapons. And it vaporizes the international principle, based on nearly 60 years of diplomacy, law, practicality, and morality, that nuclear weapons are exponentially more lethal… … read more

Of further interest, in Mr. Adler’s article one of the main sites named for a new nuclear factory is Pantex, near Amarillo, Texas. This particular facility has been in the news recently because of safety concerns. read: Contractor faulted after workers tape together warhead explosives

The Costs of Tough Talk

Does America really need “warrior” presidents, and what does that say about our country and its citizens. Why is a military background so important in candidates for the presidency, and would we be better off as a nation without that qualification? In this commentary, The Costs of Tough Talk, these topics are discussed.

It might be that the American public is being confused by the issue of military service and its value in the presidency, and intentionally so. Certainly, any person having served on active duty would have a notion of what the prospect of sending troops into battle might mean, but so would anyone with a modicum of respect for one’s fellow human beings…

What is lost in all the punditry on military experience or attitudes is a simple truism: the people we elect to office reflect our own fears and ambitions. As long as we make military experience an essential requisite for office or think militarism a valuable asset in a president, or believe that our corporations deserve military intervention for their benefit, we’ll continue to have a government which is fundamentally militaristic, either in its foreign policy or its apportionment of our national resources, or both. Some in this country revel in military exploits (especially those not investing their lives in such), and right now, it seems they dominate the political process.

We, as a people, continue to mistake offense for defense, and continue to threaten the rest of the world by the money we spend on defense, and by the political choices we make in voting for hawks, or chickenhawks. We continue to believe that we are well served by a military budget far in excess of that spent by dozens of countries, and are protected by tough talk and by wars of opportunity……… read more

Newfoundland Town Mourns Hero

Cpl Jamie Brendan Murphy, 26, died in Afghanistan just a week before he was scheduled to return home.

Military personnel knocked on the Murphy family’s door at 5 a.m. to tell them their son had been killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan. Hours later, members of the Murphy family gathered at their parents’ home in Conception Harbour, a town of 900 in eastern Newfoundland.

“It’s like we’re talking about somebody else,” said Rosemary Ryan, one of Jamie Murphy’s three siblings. “We just can’t believe this is our brother. It’s hard to believe.” His sister Norma Murphy called him “the perfect brother” and questioned the Canadian mission that led to his death. “They’re over there trying to keep peace for people who don’t want it,” she said during an emotional interview with CBC Newsworld. “I don’t think it’s fair. I didn’t want him over there in the first place.”Read more

Iraq, Bechtel & water

Take a two day trip with Dahr Jamail, a freelance journalist from Alaska, as he collects data on the present state of the water infrastructure in Iraq. Some excerpts:

Hilla, right near Babylon, has a water treatment plant and distribution center that is managed by Salmam Hassan Kadel, who is also the Chief Engineer. The wastewater project here, like in Najaf and Diwaniya, is specifically named on Bechtel’s contract as one that they are responsible for rehabilitating. They have had no contact from Bechtel, or a subcontractor of said. “We have had no change since the American’s came here. We know Bechtel is wasting money, but we can’t prove it.”

At another small village between Hilla and Najaf, 1500 people are drinking water from a dirty stream which slowly trickles near the homes. Everyone has dysentery, many with kidney stones, a huge number with cholera. One of the men, holding a sick child, tells me, “It was much better before the invasion. We had 24 hours running water then. Now we are drinking this garbage because it is all we have.” A little further down the road at a village of 6000 homes called Abu Hidari, it is more of the same…8 children from the village have been killed when attempting to cross the busy highway to a nearby factory in order to retrieve clean water.

In Diwaniya, and each of the 5 other villages I visited the story is the same. Change the names of the people and the names of the city/village, and we find cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, nausea, less than 8 hours of electricity per day, contaminated water (or no water), and everyone is suffering.

Mr. Mehdi is an engineer and Assistant Manager at the Najaf water distribution center. With help from Red Cross and the Spanish Army, they are doing some of the rebuilding on their own. He says that Bechtel started one month ago; painting buildings, cleaning and repairing storage tanks and repairing and replacing sand filters. This is the only project he knows of that Bechtel has been working on in Najaf. There has been no work on desalinization, which is critical in this area, or other purification processes. He states, “Bechtel is repairing some water facilities, but not improving the electricity, which is their responsibility.”

I ask him if he thinks Bechtel can meet their contractual obligation of restoring potable water supply in all of the urban centers of Iraq by April 17th, and he laughs. He tells me at least 30% of Najaf doesn’t have clean water simply because of lack of electricity.

“No occupation ever makes things good for the people. All the people in the world must know the American’s are here just to help Mr. Bush win this next election.” — Mr. Hassan Mehdi Mohammed, an Iraqi villager.

Day I – Baghdad to Babylon
Day II – Water, Sickness & A Brewing Storm