John Wayne and Jane Addams

That’s the yin-yang of U.S. imperialism David Brooks celebrates in this asinine op-ed. Tell us more of this schizophrenic hermaphrodite and what it’s doing in Iraq, oh Oracle of Official Conservatism:

[Capt. John Prior] was inside a gas station when a commotion erupted outside. A mob of people was furiously accusing a man of butting in line and stealing gasoline. Prior established that the man was merely a government inspector checking the quality of the fuel. Frazzled and exhausted, Prior took the chance to teach the mob a broader lesson: “The problem is that you people accuse each other without proof! That’s the problem!”

Another soldier, who keeps a Weblog, collects toys and passes them out to Iraqi children. He brought a pile of toys to an orphanage, but the paid staff at the place rushed the pile to grab the toys for themselves ā€” “like sharks in a feeding frenzy,” he writes. He has learned that if he stations himself with an M-16 over the toys, things go smoothly.

We’re the U.S.A., and we’re here to make sure no one cuts in line! And you had better start sharing!

Oh, dear. Joins Ranks of Major Online Media

So there I was, wasting time while waiting for that little elf Jeremy to post this column, surfing around until I wandered over to Matt Drudge, and clicked on a story headlined:


This took me to Alexa, the popular site-rating service, and sure enough there was good old Matt at number 8, just below and ahead of the Washington Post. Way to go, Matt! I looked down the rest of the list: USA Today, CBS News, the Guardian, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Post, until my gaze fixed on number 36 ā€“!

We’re just below the Chicago Tribune, beating out Time magazine, Newsday, the Associated Press, National Geographic, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and the Houston Chronicle, among others.

Wow. Iā€™m impressed, and — believe it or not — humbled.

Serbs and victimhood

I received a note from a reader yesterday about an article on the Financial Times website . Without presuming to speak about the actual contents of the article – read it and make up your own mind – the author caught my correspondent’s attention with these passages:

“It is not as if victimhood is never true. Jews are slandered and persecuted, though not very often in the US. Muslims have had a rough deal in history. But our politics too often degenerate into expressions of self-pity, which is particularly odious in the German case. The result is suspicion, hatred, and in the end vengefulness. One might call it the Kosovo Syndrome.
On St Vitus Day, 1389, much of the Serbian nobility perished in a battle with Turkish armies on the Field of Blackbirds in Kosovo. More than 600 years later, Bosnian Muslims were driven from their homes, murdered and raped in large numbers, and tortured in concentration camps. And all this because Serbs could not stop thinking of themselves as the greatest victims in history.”

Sounds like a slam-dunk ending – were it true.

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