Chicago Tribune’s Criticism of Putin’s North Korea Visit Unfortunate on Several Levels

For starters, the editorial ‘Mr. Putin goes to Pyongyang and we don’t like that show’ is filled with hyperbolic anti Putin rhetoric. Instead of relying on an esteemed political scientist to analyze Putin’s psyche, the Trib quotes the dramatist of ‘The Crown’ who sees Putin as “an obscure deputy mayor of St. Petersburg who rose up to be an unreconstructed thug.” That adds no value to understanding one of the most influential world leaders who is currently running diplomatic rings around President Biden. His leadership in both the non-aligned Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS, together containing many nonaligned nations comprising over half the world’s population, spells the approaching end to US unipolar world dominance.

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A Family’s Torment, A Dying Empire’s Rage

As I said to Judge Napolitano earlier today, I am so happy I might cry, and so angry at what they did to Julian and his family I might put a fist through a wall in my house. I think most of us are heavy with emotion while trying to understand what comes next. Here’s a rough attempt at that:

Today is a day to celebrate the end of the cruel and unjust punishment, prosecution, and persecution of Julian Assange. His release and the relief for his family should be first and primary in our thoughts.

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US To Lebanon: ‘We Will Defend Israel If War Breaks Out’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

A new article in Politico reports that senior Biden Administration officials have warned Lebanon that if Hezbollah retaliates to any Israeli attack in Lebanon, the US will become involved. Thus the Biden Administration commits the US to a possible major war in the Middle East while Congress blissfully sleeps.

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Ukrainian Anti-War Activist Jailed on Dubious Charges

Zelenskyy’s Ukraine has had a long and egregious history of jailing political dissenters, particularly those opposed to the current “forever war”. From banning opposing political parties to censoring media critical of Zelenskyy’s leadership, it seems indisputable that Ukraine has increasingly resorted to despotic measures to control public opinion.

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Bowman Was Defeated by a Toxic Blend of Zionism and Militarism

New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman lost a primary election Tuesday because of unprecedented spending against him by powerful forces that insist Israel does no wrong. By last week, AIPAC had already devoted more than $14 million to defeating Bowman, in retaliation for his outspoken support of human rights for all – including Palestinian – people.

Since last fall, most Democratic voters – especially young people – have recoiled at the ongoing slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. But despite the magnitude of the horrors inflicted on civilians, the vast bulk of the U.S. media and political establishment has remained on automatic pro-Israel pilot, while often tarring strong opponents of the mass murder as antisemitic.

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